And the hits just keep on coming.
I found out just now that they will have to remove some (if not all) of my grandmothers foot. She suffers from Type 2 Diabetes, and started to lose blood flow to her right leg. Doctors have been as useless in treating her, as the medicine they have been prescribing for her to take. Which we were never able to get for her anyway. It's bad to hear or read about how awful the healthcare system is, in this country. But having to experience it firsthand, really shows how horrible it is. My grandmother would probably be dead by now, if we hadn't finally been able to convince her to go to the E-room, two days ago. Now her entire foot is practically dead. And they'll probably have to amputate the entire leg, below the knee. To prevent the gangrene from spreading to the rest of her body. She doesn't want to go through, with the procedure. And frankly, I don't blame her. I wouldn't want to lose the leg I've had for the past 84 years, either. And even if she does decide to get rid of the leg, that won't necessarily make things any easier. For an extremely stubborn, fiercely independent person, like my grandmother, not being able to get up and go when she wants anymore, would be a fate worse than death. And it's gonna make the already stressful living situation here, all the more hectic. My family talks a big game, but I already know that they won't be here to take care of her day-to-day needs, like they claim that they will. So it'll be left up to me, to play the role of caretaker. So I'll probably end up kissing the jobs I've been offered, a fond farewell. So long great city job, that I've been trying to get, for the past oh I don't know...10 years? The idea that I might finally be able to crawl out of poverty, was nice while it lasted.
I need a drink...
I found out just now that they will have to remove some (if not all) of my grandmothers foot. She suffers from Type 2 Diabetes, and started to lose blood flow to her right leg. Doctors have been as useless in treating her, as the medicine they have been prescribing for her to take. Which we were never able to get for her anyway. It's bad to hear or read about how awful the healthcare system is, in this country. But having to experience it firsthand, really shows how horrible it is. My grandmother would probably be dead by now, if we hadn't finally been able to convince her to go to the E-room, two days ago. Now her entire foot is practically dead. And they'll probably have to amputate the entire leg, below the knee. To prevent the gangrene from spreading to the rest of her body. She doesn't want to go through, with the procedure. And frankly, I don't blame her. I wouldn't want to lose the leg I've had for the past 84 years, either. And even if she does decide to get rid of the leg, that won't necessarily make things any easier. For an extremely stubborn, fiercely independent person, like my grandmother, not being able to get up and go when she wants anymore, would be a fate worse than death. And it's gonna make the already stressful living situation here, all the more hectic. My family talks a big game, but I already know that they won't be here to take care of her day-to-day needs, like they claim that they will. So it'll be left up to me, to play the role of caretaker. So I'll probably end up kissing the jobs I've been offered, a fond farewell. So long great city job, that I've been trying to get, for the past oh I don't know...10 years? The idea that I might finally be able to crawl out of poverty, was nice while it lasted.
I need a drink...

Maybe you'd be more useful to her by getting a good job so you can pay for her nurses and servants who will tend to her all day.
I've always been a philosopher. I just keep it light and fluffy for those who are only interested in my body. What you've seen today is part of my soul.