Sorry I'm just now getting back to post this. But here's the rejection letter I received and my rebuttal as promised:
The Rejection
The Rejection
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
What I am concerned about is making sure I provide you a good word so you can make better connections, but I need you to write the letter and give it to me in order to do that. I will wordsmith it into my words and post. Honestly, NO, I don't have time to write a letter now because I don't know what you are focused on. Furthermore, I would not know what to say because I don't know what you did on the job or in the military.
Lesson for requesting people to write for you. Few will do it because everyone is busy these days. I have the same requests when I ask people to recommend me for things. I write the letter so that I know what they are saying about me and it is targeting the skills and experience I want highlighted for myself at the time. PLEASE get out of expecting others to do things for you and do it for yourself. My mother and father always say, if there's a WILL there is a WAY. I would be happy to write but I only ask that you think about your own experiences because I have NO IDEA what they are and put them on paper and send to me. I will read through them and pull out the points that I can expand on to help you accentuate your skills and secure connections that will lead to a job. That makes it easier for the person you are asking to recommend you.
Listen, I have applied to law school four times and asked over 10 people to write recommendation letters. That's the first thing they ask me and I understand, what do you want to accentuate in the letter??? So I write it out and then in a week or two I have excellent letters of recommendation for my admissions application. Old school and lower than percentile grades on my part is why I'm not in law school yet, but that will change in 2013, stay tuned.
In other words, do it yourself and send it to me like everyone else does in the professional world. Heck, I ever write my own letters to give me my mom and dad because they wouldn't even fully know how to articulate my skills and experiences. They are personal and mine to tell to others if they did not work with me to know for themselves. Then I will make sure you have the recommendation you need and want. You got to get away from being under that roof and learn the processes and business practices that are going on in the world around you in your generation. Grow up and get out, that is my prayer for you! If you plan to be self sufficient and provide for your nieces and nephews in the future, it is paramount. I know Casey would be so happy to feel that her son is in a position to take care of himself and her. I know you will be proud as well. Know I would say the same to Jonathan because I want all the men in this family to exceed your expected potential. We as men can only do that when we have someone in our corner to motivate us in the right direction. I get it from my mentors also.
Sincerely in brotherly love,
What I am concerned about is making sure I provide you a good word so you can make better connections, but I need you to write the letter and give it to me in order to do that. I will wordsmith it into my words and post. Honestly, NO, I don't have time to write a letter now because I don't know what you are focused on. Furthermore, I would not know what to say because I don't know what you did on the job or in the military.
Lesson for requesting people to write for you. Few will do it because everyone is busy these days. I have the same requests when I ask people to recommend me for things. I write the letter so that I know what they are saying about me and it is targeting the skills and experience I want highlighted for myself at the time. PLEASE get out of expecting others to do things for you and do it for yourself. My mother and father always say, if there's a WILL there is a WAY. I would be happy to write but I only ask that you think about your own experiences because I have NO IDEA what they are and put them on paper and send to me. I will read through them and pull out the points that I can expand on to help you accentuate your skills and secure connections that will lead to a job. That makes it easier for the person you are asking to recommend you.
Listen, I have applied to law school four times and asked over 10 people to write recommendation letters. That's the first thing they ask me and I understand, what do you want to accentuate in the letter??? So I write it out and then in a week or two I have excellent letters of recommendation for my admissions application. Old school and lower than percentile grades on my part is why I'm not in law school yet, but that will change in 2013, stay tuned.
In other words, do it yourself and send it to me like everyone else does in the professional world. Heck, I ever write my own letters to give me my mom and dad because they wouldn't even fully know how to articulate my skills and experiences. They are personal and mine to tell to others if they did not work with me to know for themselves. Then I will make sure you have the recommendation you need and want. You got to get away from being under that roof and learn the processes and business practices that are going on in the world around you in your generation. Grow up and get out, that is my prayer for you! If you plan to be self sufficient and provide for your nieces and nephews in the future, it is paramount. I know Casey would be so happy to feel that her son is in a position to take care of himself and her. I know you will be proud as well. Know I would say the same to Jonathan because I want all the men in this family to exceed your expected potential. We as men can only do that when we have someone in our corner to motivate us in the right direction. I get it from my mentors also.
Sincerely in brotherly love,
The Response
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Dear Cousin,
I just received your rejection letter as I was checking my emails this morning. And while I wasn't the least bit surprised about your response. I must admit, I am a bit disappointed. It always amazes me that you present yourself as the family member most willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, and yet will never hesitate to rebuke and denounce those who dare to take you up on your offers. How you can complain that no one ever comes to you for assistance and yet when I do, you take what had to have been a significant portion of your day to sit down and write 5 paragraph essay-style email explaining why you refuse to help, bewilders me.
So seeing as how you took the time to write a detailed rejection letter as this one, I will now return this favor by writing a rejection of your rejection. I've always tried to avoid pointless confrontations with family members. But it's way past time you received a healthy dose of your own medicine. And hopefully this will fully explain just how big of a dick you can be when you think you're trying to be helpful.
Now in the first paragraph of this ridiculously long way of saying no, you stated that you wouldn't be able to write an effective LinkedIn recommendation for me because you didn't know what my particular skills were. And that in order to write a recommendation for me, I would have to write my own recommendation letter and send it to you. Then you (and especially knowing how you are about such tasks) would basically rewrite my letter as your own and post it. Okay? So what you're basically telling me is that I would have to write my letter so that you can rewrite it and send it back as if you did the whole thing yourself? Your actually asking me to cheat on my own recommendation? Yeah, I guess that's a good life lesson for me to learn about the working world....
Then you complain that I don't have enough information about my work history to write a recommendation letter. Um...have you taken a look at my profile page at all while you were writing this diss-mail? It's pretty much got my entire work history on it in great detail. How is it that you see me as being lazy and yet, you can't find enough energy to hit the back button your laptop? But you've found the time to express how you can't help because I haven't given you enough information. How about the many resumes that I've sent you? I guess your brain was already in attack mode and you couldn't locate those before you sat down to write this huh?
As for the rest of what you wrote, I would take the time to analyze everything that was wrong with what you said, but why bother? It's all the same crap you've been regurgitating at me for most of my life. Even though, as of right now, you're basically in the exact same spot in life as I am, you feel as though you climbed higher on the ladder of success. Simply because you have a rectangular piece of paper hanging above your head on the wall of your brothers old bedroom that you live in, at your parents house. Now I'm no economist, but if I put your situation and mine next to each other on a spreadsheet, it would look like the same guy. Perhaps that is a life lesson that you need to learn. And that is that there are no guarantees in life. Seems to me that all you've done is join the millions of other out-of-work college grads at the unemployment line. But I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
In closing, I have to admit that this whole issue would be laughable, if it wasn't so depressing. I actually sent you that request by accident. I never would have purposefully reached out to you for help with anything, knowing the level of asshole that you're capable of being in these situations. But I would like to point out that someone else on my contact list was good enough to send me a recommendation. A guy who I only knew through work and only worked with for about 6 months. Isn't that something? You say I ask for help from you too much, and yet this total stranger was able to send me a recommendation almost immediately after I requested it. So that's complete stranger that I only knew briefly 1; Blood relative that I've known all my life 0. I can only speak for myself, but if I was the blood relative, I'd be really embarrassed.
Well that's all I got. I won't take up anymore of your precious time because I'm sure you have a full schedule of people to patronize and belittle. I just hope that the pointless letter I've written for you sinks in at least somewhere in your mind. And I also hope that the next time you send a letter like that to someone, that you've got very good anti virus protection. For they will almost undoubtedly reply with some sort of Trojan or Malware application, if just on principle alone.
Sincerely and with all my heart and soul,
Dear Cousin,
I just received your rejection letter as I was checking my emails this morning. And while I wasn't the least bit surprised about your response. I must admit, I am a bit disappointed. It always amazes me that you present yourself as the family member most willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, and yet will never hesitate to rebuke and denounce those who dare to take you up on your offers. How you can complain that no one ever comes to you for assistance and yet when I do, you take what had to have been a significant portion of your day to sit down and write 5 paragraph essay-style email explaining why you refuse to help, bewilders me.
So seeing as how you took the time to write a detailed rejection letter as this one, I will now return this favor by writing a rejection of your rejection. I've always tried to avoid pointless confrontations with family members. But it's way past time you received a healthy dose of your own medicine. And hopefully this will fully explain just how big of a dick you can be when you think you're trying to be helpful.
Now in the first paragraph of this ridiculously long way of saying no, you stated that you wouldn't be able to write an effective LinkedIn recommendation for me because you didn't know what my particular skills were. And that in order to write a recommendation for me, I would have to write my own recommendation letter and send it to you. Then you (and especially knowing how you are about such tasks) would basically rewrite my letter as your own and post it. Okay? So what you're basically telling me is that I would have to write my letter so that you can rewrite it and send it back as if you did the whole thing yourself? Your actually asking me to cheat on my own recommendation? Yeah, I guess that's a good life lesson for me to learn about the working world....
Then you complain that I don't have enough information about my work history to write a recommendation letter. Um...have you taken a look at my profile page at all while you were writing this diss-mail? It's pretty much got my entire work history on it in great detail. How is it that you see me as being lazy and yet, you can't find enough energy to hit the back button your laptop? But you've found the time to express how you can't help because I haven't given you enough information. How about the many resumes that I've sent you? I guess your brain was already in attack mode and you couldn't locate those before you sat down to write this huh?
As for the rest of what you wrote, I would take the time to analyze everything that was wrong with what you said, but why bother? It's all the same crap you've been regurgitating at me for most of my life. Even though, as of right now, you're basically in the exact same spot in life as I am, you feel as though you climbed higher on the ladder of success. Simply because you have a rectangular piece of paper hanging above your head on the wall of your brothers old bedroom that you live in, at your parents house. Now I'm no economist, but if I put your situation and mine next to each other on a spreadsheet, it would look like the same guy. Perhaps that is a life lesson that you need to learn. And that is that there are no guarantees in life. Seems to me that all you've done is join the millions of other out-of-work college grads at the unemployment line. But I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
In closing, I have to admit that this whole issue would be laughable, if it wasn't so depressing. I actually sent you that request by accident. I never would have purposefully reached out to you for help with anything, knowing the level of asshole that you're capable of being in these situations. But I would like to point out that someone else on my contact list was good enough to send me a recommendation. A guy who I only knew through work and only worked with for about 6 months. Isn't that something? You say I ask for help from you too much, and yet this total stranger was able to send me a recommendation almost immediately after I requested it. So that's complete stranger that I only knew briefly 1; Blood relative that I've known all my life 0. I can only speak for myself, but if I was the blood relative, I'd be really embarrassed.
Well that's all I got. I won't take up anymore of your precious time because I'm sure you have a full schedule of people to patronize and belittle. I just hope that the pointless letter I've written for you sinks in at least somewhere in your mind. And I also hope that the next time you send a letter like that to someone, that you've got very good anti virus protection. For they will almost undoubtedly reply with some sort of Trojan or Malware application, if just on principle alone.
Sincerely and with all my heart and soul,
I know that's a hell of a lot to read but give it your best once-over and let me know how I did. Remember the rating goes from 1-10. And for those who do enjoy rebuttal, I'll be more than willing to contract my services out for people who need to have their own diskish friends and/or family put in their places. Lol man I need a job...
WOW...10 dude...well said!
100 as well. your cousin is a real piece of work. geez.