In a word: FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a phrase:
In a ridiculous photo dump expressing my love for the sport and excitement for the new season:

Hell. I love football so much that I'll even watch girls playing...

Now who wouldn't enjoy seeing that on a Sunday afternoon?
In other news. I had the absolute best time at Dragon Con over the weekend. I didn't think it would be as cool as it was. And I've never been so happy to be so wrong. The whole thing was just awesome. And on top of all the costumes, celebrities I got to meet (and embarrass myself in front of. sorry Lou Ferrigno, lol), and the great venues and exhibits, there was Amelinda. I had the most fun I've had with anyone in a long time hanging with her at the Con. I can't say enough good things about this girl for tolerating my last-minute costume, sporadic ranting and general weirdness for the two days we hung out together. She was a awesome as I always thought she would be. I've got lots of pictures to post from the show. But I'm not gonna show em until I've gotten them all. Mostly because Amelinda was the only one with a decent camera between the two of us and took most of the pictures herself. Whatever, lol.
So that was my Labor Day weekend. How the hell was yours?
In a phrase:

In a ridiculous photo dump expressing my love for the sport and excitement for the new season:

Hell. I love football so much that I'll even watch girls playing...

Now who wouldn't enjoy seeing that on a Sunday afternoon?

In other news. I had the absolute best time at Dragon Con over the weekend. I didn't think it would be as cool as it was. And I've never been so happy to be so wrong. The whole thing was just awesome. And on top of all the costumes, celebrities I got to meet (and embarrass myself in front of. sorry Lou Ferrigno, lol), and the great venues and exhibits, there was Amelinda. I had the most fun I've had with anyone in a long time hanging with her at the Con. I can't say enough good things about this girl for tolerating my last-minute costume, sporadic ranting and general weirdness for the two days we hung out together. She was a awesome as I always thought she would be. I've got lots of pictures to post from the show. But I'm not gonna show em until I've gotten them all. Mostly because Amelinda was the only one with a decent camera between the two of us and took most of the pictures herself. Whatever, lol.
So that was my Labor Day weekend. How the hell was yours?
Big Ray Lewis fan are ya? I met him before. Couldn't be nicer or more genuine.