i love Divine...
i actually cried a little when i found out he died...
i had an ex who actually owned all his albums
and a year after he passed away i got to visit his grave in maryland ( i was there for a scifi/fantasy film convention)
sorry i have been a crappy internet friend as of lately, but real life has been sucking up a lot of my time.
ive been thinking of leaving the site soon...
to much stuff to catch up with!
getting older is quite eye opening in a really demented kind of way i guess.
i was gonna rant about my work, but im feeling like perhaps i should just keep that to myself.
i see a lot of shit that most animal lovers couldnt handle and i dont want to bum anyone out.
lets just say there is a good reason why i drink
one day i will get out of this business and maybe even get a bit healthier and less stressed.
but for now i need the benefits, the decent pay and the 401K
the last song i heard today driving home was "Aint it fun" by The dead boys...
not a fun song to hear when you have p.m.s
made me feel all weird and shit.
but here's a video that kind of puts a smile on my face...
its proof that Kate Bush has a sense of humor (and you almost get to see her say the F word!)
so i almost forgive her for those big ass shoulder pads which used to be in style
one of the weirdest duets in history guys..
im off to watch movies now...
have no fear, im sure i will cheer up soon.
hormones do some crazy shit dont they?
This area is agriculture, lots of corn and soybean .... I think there are some Amish here too because I watched some people going down one of these roads riding in a horse pulled buggy or whatever you call those things. They were dressed like pilgrims.
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