Hey hey SG land!
for this week's homework @MISSY and @RAMBO asked us to give out best advice. These are the things I've come up with, and honestly is what I say the most to my friends:
1- Life is hard as fuck. You cannot expect Life to fit in this box that you have planned your Life should be, it is in constant change and full Of surprises, some might be good and some might be bad but you cannot go down just beca use something's out Of the plan, otherwise you'll be miserable for ever. The difference between happy and sad is how you respond to fucked up situations, and to go with the flow. You know, finding the silver lining and all that shit, but it is true. It is a matter of adaptation and positivity I guess. Life will still suck, but also you can still find happiness in it.
2- Be true to yourself. Sometimes knowing what you want and who you are can be difficult. It is OK to start by knowing what you do NOT want or who you are not. But once you start having a clear idea in your mind don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sometimes people is jealous or afraid Of those who dare to live their lives their own way. They might tell you you're doing something bad, they might try make you feel bad about yourself. Don't let them. As long you are respectful and do no harm, be who you want to be and do the fuck you want to do. And, with good manners and respect, let them know there's no place in your life for their bullshit. Just be true to your heart and keep doing your thing!
And that's it, here are my two cents. I am not wiser than anybody el se to give Life lessons, but these are two things I've learned and try to live by. And honestly, I am much more happier:)
And you, what are your best advices?