A few friends at work have reached out this last week or so, saying that they're available if I want to talk. And, I know that as someone who wants to be a therapist this sounds weird, but what would be the point?
Talking only helps if you're:
A. Conflicted about how you're feeling or
B. Have a strong desire to change how you're feeling.
Neither one applies. I'm pissed off, and don't see that going away any time soon (and I am a motherfucker who can hold a grudge for YEARS). I'm not conflicted about how I feel and have no desire to let it go.
And, to all those who have commented, "Well, why don't you just get another job?"
A. What makes you think I'm not looking?
B. The fact that they pay us like shit, give us no benefits and treat us like garbage sounds like a failure on their part to actual have a work force that is excited to be there (which study after study has shown that this also improves customer satisfaction). Eventually, they WILL run out of people who can do my job or can be trained to do so (not saying my job is extremely difficult, but am saying that we can't seem to keep new hires who can actually pick up on the training or once they realize the amount of BS they have to put up with for the pay and benefits they're receiving...)
“Head down, mouth shut, just keep swimming” is my mantra, you’re on your exit path, just hang in (unless something better comes along!).