"Yeah, it means her head itched," I shot back, and everyone chuckled.
In the 16+ years of my adult life I've been single I have heard SO many contradictory ways to tell a woman likes you (and 99% of them have been wrong LOL):
plays with her hair/doesn't play with her hair;
Makes eye contact/won't look in your eyes;
Stands close/keeps her distance;
Leans against something/stands straight;
Laughs a lot/is very cool and mysterious;
Bites her lip/keeps her lips pressed;
Waves like Forrest Gump/waves with her fingers twinkling (think playing a piano).
You know the only surefire way to know if someone is interested in you? Novel concept, but you open up your mouth and ASK THEM.
Shocking, I know.
Oh, and the woman they were talking about is a friend in a relationship, so I knew that she wasn't interested in me. These young people today, FFS 🙄😒
Saying specific things in words through your mouth is a gift available to everyone, but it is blocked until you stop being afraid to use it.
@headshot so true 👍