Today was a day I was feeling very lonely; it happens, over 7 years of being single can weigh on a person. Not looking for sympathy or "help" just stating a fact, and the more people talk about these things the more normal they will be.
Also, I read a a thread today that was by women in their 40s and above talking about how men on dating apps can't hold a conversation, only seem interested in one thing, use "small talk" like how's it going, how's your day, etc...
And while I can't speak from that side of things, I will say that during this month on a dating app, the most "real" conversations I got were from scammers. So I guess nobody's talking really to one another LOL
I agree. I hit a major slump this last weekend and was extremely down, for me. Online dating is hard, and I've been working at it for the 8 years since my divorce. Most of it failed before it began, some only went so far. But I still have hope that my next match is out there.
@fredhincanada I believe in that for you, my friend! 🙏