1. Everyone has a story, and being listened to is something almost everyone will appreciate
2. Everyone is the hero in their own story, so what may not be important to you can be world-shattering to them; take that into consideration the next time you dismiss something as "unimportant"
3. Laughter is a universal equalizer and unifier
3. Making mistakes is human, we ALL do them
5. Intelligence isn't based on degrees or schooling, and lots of people who are smart in some things are quite "dumb" in others; we each have our areas of expertise, and no one can truly know EVERYTHING; and
6. Very few people are truly "evil", and understanding someone can really help bridge gaps, but that doesn't mean you have to give them access to your life or stand by while their actions or inaction hurt you or your loved ones
@richsquared you're welcome, and thank you!
What are you telling me here? Lol