OK @fredhincanada this one is gonna be a few songs, cuz as you've said, I do love music. So, since I can't seem to comment about each video, I'll just give a brief rundown.
1. Rush, "Time Stand Still". The song of theirs that really hits me (and having seen time 6 or so times in concert, I know of which I speak), just a reminder that even if you want a moment to last, that clock keeps ticking.
2. Hey Violet, "Best Imposter" cuz who doesn't love a catchy song about imposter syndrome? Not this guy!
3. Prince, "Come" one of the last albums before his religion colored how dirty his songs were (hint, they weren't dirty afterward)
4. Trivium, "Kirisute Gomen" absolute banger of a song!
5. Halsey, "Could Have Been Me" great cover from a great movie (and if you think you're "too old" for animated movies, STFU)