Every human is allowed to believe in whatever mysticism they choose to (or not believe in), but you need to accept that your belief system may not work for others. Yes, this is mainly a response to people who falsely claim that "AmErIcA iS a ChRiStIaN nAtIoN!" (hint: it's not).
If I started telling people that I now believed in the Jedi Code, and was going to structure my life around it, most people would chuckle or shake their head but as long as I kept my beliefs to myself, nobody would care too much; but, if I started telling people that everyone else now had to structure their lives around the Jedi Code, I would get push back from most others, saying they shouldn't be forced to live their lives by my beliefs.
Now, some people may say, "But that's made-up, it's not real, and my faith is!" to which I say "SO IS YOUR RELIGION!" (and yes, this refers to ALL religions). If something brings you comfort and gives you strength, that's wonderful. But stop trying to force the rest of us to follow that also.