saw this great little video where this woman was saying that there's no such thing as a real "incel" (can't recall the exact wording, which is why I won't be using quotes and will instead be paraphrasing).
She said that those men who want to be called that just want women to be sex slaves, unthinking and unfeeling as they submit to the men. Because it's not that those men are too "short, or heavy, or geeky, or skinny, or anything else" to be found desirable, it's that they aren't willing to put in ANY work on themselves or on getting to know their potential partner as a whole being.
The only way anyone can truly claim to be involuntary celibate is if they're held prisoner in a tower with no access to another human being or the outside world. Otherwise, unless they're willing to hire a sex worker (it is the world's oldest profession for a reason), then their only other option is to get to know people without expecting the "reward" of being a "good guy" for just practicing basic human decency. Because, and this is a hard pill for these so-called "incels" to swallow, women are human beings and women enjoy sex just as much as men. They're just not willing to settle for the bare minimum in a partner to get it...