I read an interview a few years ago (pre-pandemic) of a husband-and-wife who owned their own home, worked out of it, only had a couple of cats, and had separate bedrooms (which, by the way, were NOT the rooms they worked from home in!), and they said that they loved their arrangement. When asked why they lived like this, they said, "Well, she's an early riser, he's a night owl; he likes to watch TV to unwind at night, she needs it absolutely quiet and dark; he likes it warm, she likes to be cool."
When the interviewer brought up being intimate, they said, "Oh, we still do that; but if it's not on a scheduled moment, the one who's feeling frisky will knock on the other's door, and if they're up for it they have sex and then afterwards the one who's room they're currently in stays and the other leaves."
Now, I live in a city where people have work 24/7, and lots of couples have different shifts of work, and the majority of people I spoke to about this couple said that they didn't think of it as a marriage, more like "roommates with benefits" situation; even the ones who said that they could see the reason behind the couple having their own rooms for either work and/or hobbies - but they wouldn't do it for sleeping. (As an aside, even couples that love spending all their time together need a place where they can be alone, even if only for an hour or two - and no, the bathroom doesn't count LOL)
And yes, I know that some people snore or toss and turn while they sleep or are gassy (yes, everyone farts, even women LOL), but I can't picture being married to someone, living in the same house as them, and permanently sleeping in separate beds. And also, I know every relationship is unique and if that's what works for them it's nobody's business trying to change it (which I would never do, to each their own), but it still seems very...cold and lonely, would be the best way I would describe it. But I don't know, I'm interested in what others think: perfect arrangement, or just roommates with benefits?