So, I've had friends wonder why I don't like going on hikes, doing things outside, stuff like that. And they always say some variation of, "I thought you Wiccans were all into being outside and mother nature and whatnot." So let's break this down.
First off, I'm not Wiccan, I'm pagan. It may seem to some like there's no difference, but a Wiccan is by definition pagan, but not all pagans are Wiccan. I worship a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses (Egyptian, to be precise), whereas most Wiccans have a God and a Goddess they mainly pray to (again, this is a gross simplification, if you're interested you should definitely read a book or web article that's more informative than this). However, they do get right that most pagans and Wiccans are nature worshipers, heading out into the wilds to either perform rituals or at the very least recharge their spiritual batteries.
I'm what's called an urban pagan. Meaning, I appreciate and respect nature and don't want it despoiled, but I don't recharge by heading out to the mountains or the lake or what have you. Instead, I recharge by being in the city. A city is its own microcosm, just like the forest or the jungle is, and each have their own natural critters and rhythms that inhabit them. To me, the city is my home, and I feel most alive when I'm in it, or at its heart (little tidbit, most urban pagans believe that each city has its own spirit that you can placate and leave offerings to; naturally, Vegas's spirit -to me, at least- is Lady Vegas, and she loves offerings of things that would seem appropriate to a 24 hour city built on vices).
There you have it, a little bit of background on what makes me tick. I hope it was informative or at least entertaining :)