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the owner of the casino I work at has been buddying up to Drumpf (his nose is so far up the president's ass that when he farts the casino owner tastes it and farts it along) because rich people stick together (even threw a rally at one of his other casinos), and this week they mandated that no one (not even people who are sick)...
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here you go @fredhincanada and anyone else who wants to read it! Not exactly the 2K words I usually do, but you have to know when to end a chapter, and I think this ends exactly where it needs to:
Neeku sat numbly while Ara hummed to itself as it brewed the tea. The domestic setting juxtaposed with the internal turmoil the young assassin was...
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they definitely didn't get enough credit for how awesome they were:
tagged by @helainked so I will do my best! (and you'll have to bear with me, being old, since I don't know how to get pics of the models to accompany their tags, so apologies in advance LOL):
Kiss would be @belladona because there's just something about that Goth Queen that makes me weak in the knees! Every set she does just gets better and...
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I think it's great that season 2 of Andor is coming out this year. During the 1st season, the Empire (which had lied and cheated to assume power) was making the lives of the majority of its citizens either miserable and/or ceased while enriching the small minority. People were downtrodden and didn't know what they could do.
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and yes, those are some Suicide Girls in the video ;)
so I talked about how I haven't really had actual conversations with the majority of women on the dating app that weren't scammers, but there is one group of women who actually do pretty well in that regard, and that's women on OF.
I know, seems odd at first, but it does make sense. For one, if you put people at ease, they may be...
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and yes I was REALLY into hair metal back in the day (don't judge LOL):