Hi y'all! So, the dear, sweet @amoxi tagged me for this summertime questionnaire. I normally don't participate in these things, but, for her, I'll make an exception. As she has said, summer is nearing an end, in the Midwest, and also here in southern quebec, so it might be good to take stock in the events of the last season and make the best of what's left. I feel like it's been a busy but fairly mundane summer for me, but the highlight of the summer, and the last year in fact, has certainly been meeting someone who's become a very important person to me.
1. Who's ready for fall and cooler weather?
Fall is my favorite season as well. The colors, the clothes, the warm sun and cool air, Thanksgiving, Halloween, the smells, the burning leaves, Oktoberfest, it all adds up to awesome.
2. Your favorite 2 seasons?
Fall and wither winter or summer (they both have great things to offer). Spring is my least favorite.... maybe because spring in the city is dirty, smelly, and nasty. Yucky mud, sand, salt, garbage emerging from the snow melt.... just yuck... although I love what spring brings.
3. Did you go on a summer vacation or Holiday?
I had 2 weeks forced vacation and spent that remodeling my bathroom with my dad, which is still ongoing, but I can see the end. I do have a trip planned in a couple of weeks and I'm dying to catch that flight.
4. Who's going to upcoming summer concerts? Or have you been to any concerts this summer?
Hmmm, been to a couple this year, zz top, mysery signals, and upcoming I got In Flames with Fot for an Autopsy and Death Angel, Testament, and Exodus.
4. Favorite 4 summertime activities?
Drive-in theater
Just being outside
5. Who's ready for Halloween?
I'm not ready, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll probably elaborate on my costume from last year.
6. Who thinks global warming is real, and affecting our planet
7. Projects your working on this summer!
Bathroom remodel, aren't you listening? Also rebuilt the fence in the backyard and trying to get some grass growing (dogs).
8. Who's been to festivals this summer? Who's going to upcoming festivals this summer? Also can be Fair or State Fair!
Nope. The music fest that I like here doesn't exist anymore. But I should go to the amusement park... maybe in October when they ramp up for Halloween.
9. Who's been camping, hiking or backpacking this summer?
Nope. Camping was supposed to happen... sigh... maybe I can make it happen in the fall
10. Who's ready to bring meet ups back to the community?
Where I'm at in life, for sure. I wouldn't call it a meet up, but I'm looking forward to meeting someone special.
11. Favorite 3 non alcoholic beverages in the summer?
Water, lemonade, coffee
12. Favorite 3 alcohol drinks and beer in the summer.
Wine, pilsner or ipa, Moscow mules (this year)
12. Who visited a park, forest, National Forest, State Forest, or Nature this summer?
Not this year
13. Who's tried something different this summer? Can be anything you want to share.
Plumbing. Modeling š. Socializing with a Facebook group.
14. Coke Pepsi or Water?
God, in my youth I was a walking Billboard for coke, wearing shirts and such with their logo. Still prefer coke over all other sodas, but can't do without water.
15. Craziest thing you've done this summer?
Booked a flight for a rather adventurous trip.
16. Favorite ways to cool off from the summer heat.
I guess it would be swimming, or the beach, but I haven't really done either.
17. Favorite 4 summer vegetables?
Tomatoes (I know, a fruit), green beans, corn on the cob, cucumbers... these are things I've grown and enjoyed in the past.
18. Anyone travel to another country this summer?
Well, I will be traveling to my home country before the summer is out.
19. Something you hate about summer?
When it ends?
20. What would be a favorite summertime date for you.
Vaguely, just spending time with someone I care about or whom interests me. Specifically, I have no idea as I haven't been on a date in a very long time, but perhaps a picnic, a drive-in theater, capped off with some wine and cuddling under the stars.
tagging some friends next to share their summer story with us āŗļø @metalfreak @rileyash @godiva @imnotferris