Had a kickass weekend..so very tired still

Ladyofeve joined me for the Sevendust Concert.

Sunday I helped my friend install/level her washer and dryer. She made me cookies

Oh and I was dog/cat sitting for happylittlebitch so she could go visit my sister for my big sis' 26th b-day. Her pets amuse the shit out of me; they play like ninjas

And my big sweet rere dog wanted me to play with him last night so he whined and wouldn't go to sleep until like 1:45 when I gave up and layed next to my bed so I could pet him laying under it...damn spoiled dog....
So, because of all the drinking, concert going, partying, playing, driving, visiting, catching up, dog sitting. I got about 5-6 hours of sleep all weekend. Damn near fell asleep at work today

So, how was your weekend?
weekend rocked...especially since the steelers WON the super bowl!
Eh, but wasn't it worth it? Nice to know I was lucky number 7.