So, I've been told that my updates are too long and infrequent.
Worked my ass off this week. More OT, & more responsibility since I'm the only one there at night now. I kind of like the hours as long as I don't oversleep.
Thursday, one of our vendors had the In & Out truck come to our place for lunch. I've got this thing about free food. I think it comes from being a BAMF. I had four double doubles in two days. Those of you from outside of CA and/or vegetarians wouldn't understand, but In & Out is definitely worth cult status and has some of the best burgers & fries ever.
Friday, I ended up staying home, drinking a few pyramids, and watched House of Flying Daggers again.
Yesterday, I hung out with my pal, Janet, all day. She had to stop by In & Out after hearing about the truck at work. I passed. We went to Manny's and I bought a new hard case for the acoustic guitar my Dad bought me when I was 16. It's amazing the guitar is in such good shape after 18 years with the crappy paper case. I was fortunate to have left Manny's before finding a bunch of crap that I want to buy.
Then, we headed out to Eagle Rock and stopped by the Soda Pop Stop. I didn't buy anything because I would have been tempted to get a case. Instead, we split a cherry soda Janet got.
Then we went and looked at bicycles for Janet. They were really cool at Budget Bicycles and I think she found the right bike. I wouldn't let her buy anything the same day without at least having a day or two to sleep on it. I did find an affordable road bike there that I'd like to get some day, but that day isn't going to be for a long, long time.
After the bike shop, we went to the Wild Hare where we split an order of Belgian fries w/ garlic mayo and the smokey ketchup they make. I had a couple Delerium Tremens while we played Scrabble. It was very nice. I could get used to doing that regularly. Janet always beats me, but this time she only won by ten points. I was nervous about playing in public, but it was all in my mind.
We then went to my house where I fired up a pepperoni pizza and we watched Pi, which Janet had never seen. I love that grainy B&W stuff and especially the shots where they mount the camera to the characters. The whole film is shot up close and in tight spaces. The end result is that it feels very personal.
Janet took off and then I watched Mad TV before crashing. Money is tight, it will be tight for a long time, so I really enjoy spending time with people and finding creative ways to do things that don't cost much. I think it's more satisfying than if I could just throw cash around like it was nothing. I appreciate things more.
While I'm getting settled in the new job, I'm also looking ahead with plans on going back to school. I hope the new job doesn't interfere. I have decided to not register for summer classes. Cramming a whole semester into six weeks is fine when you're a full time student, but not for me. I'm thinking I'll register for Bio Statistics, Intro to Chem, or Physics this fall. All of them are a bit intimidating, but I'm sure it won't be as bad as I anticipate. The trick will be the scheduling and not lettling anyone at work know. I guess they aren't too hip on people not being %100 on their corporate track. Whatever. If they want me bad enough, they can buy me.
I'm going to see the last day of the Body Worlds 2 exhibit. I missed the first one and still regret it. I really want to see it and it's imperative I do so since I might go into Physical Therapy. Also, it's a treat for myself. Easter has a special significance for me. I went through some really rough times that came to a high point on Easter Sunday five years ago. It's a day for me to look back and kind of assess everything.
I better start getting ready, the IMAX film starts in a couple hours.
Sometimes I think that Deja Vus are the result of a peek into the future. There's a leak or a hole in time and our brains just don't have the capacity to make sense of it. We just know when the glimpse and the reality coincide.

Worked my ass off this week. More OT, & more responsibility since I'm the only one there at night now. I kind of like the hours as long as I don't oversleep.
Thursday, one of our vendors had the In & Out truck come to our place for lunch. I've got this thing about free food. I think it comes from being a BAMF. I had four double doubles in two days. Those of you from outside of CA and/or vegetarians wouldn't understand, but In & Out is definitely worth cult status and has some of the best burgers & fries ever.
Friday, I ended up staying home, drinking a few pyramids, and watched House of Flying Daggers again.
Yesterday, I hung out with my pal, Janet, all day. She had to stop by In & Out after hearing about the truck at work. I passed. We went to Manny's and I bought a new hard case for the acoustic guitar my Dad bought me when I was 16. It's amazing the guitar is in such good shape after 18 years with the crappy paper case. I was fortunate to have left Manny's before finding a bunch of crap that I want to buy.
Then, we headed out to Eagle Rock and stopped by the Soda Pop Stop. I didn't buy anything because I would have been tempted to get a case. Instead, we split a cherry soda Janet got.
Then we went and looked at bicycles for Janet. They were really cool at Budget Bicycles and I think she found the right bike. I wouldn't let her buy anything the same day without at least having a day or two to sleep on it. I did find an affordable road bike there that I'd like to get some day, but that day isn't going to be for a long, long time.
After the bike shop, we went to the Wild Hare where we split an order of Belgian fries w/ garlic mayo and the smokey ketchup they make. I had a couple Delerium Tremens while we played Scrabble. It was very nice. I could get used to doing that regularly. Janet always beats me, but this time she only won by ten points. I was nervous about playing in public, but it was all in my mind.
We then went to my house where I fired up a pepperoni pizza and we watched Pi, which Janet had never seen. I love that grainy B&W stuff and especially the shots where they mount the camera to the characters. The whole film is shot up close and in tight spaces. The end result is that it feels very personal.
Janet took off and then I watched Mad TV before crashing. Money is tight, it will be tight for a long time, so I really enjoy spending time with people and finding creative ways to do things that don't cost much. I think it's more satisfying than if I could just throw cash around like it was nothing. I appreciate things more.
While I'm getting settled in the new job, I'm also looking ahead with plans on going back to school. I hope the new job doesn't interfere. I have decided to not register for summer classes. Cramming a whole semester into six weeks is fine when you're a full time student, but not for me. I'm thinking I'll register for Bio Statistics, Intro to Chem, or Physics this fall. All of them are a bit intimidating, but I'm sure it won't be as bad as I anticipate. The trick will be the scheduling and not lettling anyone at work know. I guess they aren't too hip on people not being %100 on their corporate track. Whatever. If they want me bad enough, they can buy me.
I'm going to see the last day of the Body Worlds 2 exhibit. I missed the first one and still regret it. I really want to see it and it's imperative I do so since I might go into Physical Therapy. Also, it's a treat for myself. Easter has a special significance for me. I went through some really rough times that came to a high point on Easter Sunday five years ago. It's a day for me to look back and kind of assess everything.
I better start getting ready, the IMAX film starts in a couple hours.
Sometimes I think that Deja Vus are the result of a peek into the future. There's a leak or a hole in time and our brains just don't have the capacity to make sense of it. We just know when the glimpse and the reality coincide.
Everything is freshly made at In N Out, so I guess it's one of the safer fast food places to eat at. No extra fingers, etc.
Pi is a freakishly good movie, disturbingly so.
This is a seriously nice saying:
If they want me bad enough, they can buy me.
It works in many different instances. I hope you won't mind if I use it IRL myself.