Looks like I lied. (Pending if I can find decent housing or not) I won't be back in Alaska until January. My parents offered me something hard to refuse.
I've been trying to get school done for the past few years and have been unsuccesful due to many many unforseen variables, mostly financial. I've basically been offered free tuition and housing if I can take...
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I've been trying to get school done for the past few years and have been unsuccesful due to many many unforseen variables, mostly financial. I've basically been offered free tuition and housing if I can take...
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congrats on school, it'll be nice to get it finished.
Hi everyone! Shannon here, that little eskimo girl metling in the Cali heat! I'm doing everything I can to save up and get home to Alaska right now, so far, I've got another 6 weeks left.
I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that I'll be able get a good job that'll be workable while I'm healing from yet another knee surgery (Damn street bikes!!!...
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I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that I'll be able get a good job that'll be workable while I'm healing from yet another knee surgery (Damn street bikes!!!...
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There are ton's of photogs in Cali.
Just ask all of them and I'm sure someone would do it for sure.
Then when you get back to Alaska come work at Snow City with me.
Just ask all of them and I'm sure someone would do it for sure.
Then when you get back to Alaska come work at Snow City with me.
I've found a couple photographers around here that are pretty good, but most of them around here that I've been in contact with are real mooks. I've got one more that I'm pretty sure I'll be working with one more before I go though. Snow City huh? I've heard good things, is it pretty good pay? I'd like to give it a shot if they'll be hiring!