JEEZZZZZZZZE US.. Seriously. I hate this.. I hate having to vent about things and having things to vent about.
I saw my mom earlier this month. She is progressing. But I think that she has some sort of depression (even before this happened due to a car wreck) and it's stuck in her head that she is going to be so dysfunctional that it's making... Read More
So things as they stand have been a roller coaster of emotions. I went to NOLA for almost a week to deal with the emergency at hand. My mom stayed almost another week in the hospital after I left. And even though I pleaded with her 'friend' Pat not to let my mom go home and to encourage... Read More
I will tell you truthfully that without the meds, I do not have a grip on anything. Without the meds, I am irritable, withdrawn, listless, moody, sleepless, and generally a horrible person. WITH the meds, I am at least able to get on with my life. In that respect, yes, it helps me come to grips with life. I have at least a little bit of control on meds. Off them, I start crying for no reason, I don't answer the phone when it rings even though I am desperately lonely, and the only reason I don't kill myself is that I can't be bothered to go to the store to get a razor blade.
I dated a girl a few years back who had anxiety similar to yours, and the doctor she went to prescribed Zoloft for her and I think it helped her. Of course, it didn't help her long, because she had a bajillion other problems that she refused to address and quit taking the meds.
Dealing with this is a very difficult thing to start, but I promise you that nobody is going to throw you in the nuthouse...If you are wondering whether or not to go to a doctor or a therapist, what I can say is that you should go to a psychiatrist (not a psychologist), because they are MDs and are in a very good position to determine if meds or therapy are the correct solution for you. But, barring that, just go see SOMEBODY and take the first step down the road.
If you want send me a PM and I will send you my phone #.
Where things are right now. My mom is out of ICU but she's still in the hospital. After talking to a nurse last night who also had head trauma, he said that the headaches could last for months. So I don't know where that is going to put us. she was bled for... Read More
So I thought my next post was going to be about how I got into my dream house and I was getting up to starting my life with my soon to be husband......
What it's going to be about is I'm flying to NOLA tomorrow to be with my mom. The guy that she was 'dating' aka letting live with her for free with his... Read More
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your mum and hope to goodness that she'll be fine after some rest and TLC. You've absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, you're a caring daughter and doing your best. Your SO will support you at this time not abandon you.
So today is officially my second week at my new job. So far I really like it. It's still Human Resources but at a better company, though they don't do a 401k match, they at least offer it. I found out in the last month that when I cobra my insurance, I will only be paying an extra $6 a paycheck, because that is all... Read More
I am suppose to be planning a wedding for Feb 2009. But I am stuck. Creatively stuck. Which is the weirdest thing since I would fancy myself a creative person.
The only thing that I have concrete is our location and date. The deposit has been put down. I also have made save the dates to send to my friends and family that don't live... Read More
3. Firm Color Choices
UK: Kingfisher Blue
US: were told we were having peach and forest green whether we liked it or not
4. Centerpieces
UK: we just had a little namecard for everyone
US :they had enormous silver ones with slits in but basically you couldn't see the folks on the other side of the table or talk to them properly so they were utterly naff.
7. Flowers
I would say don't make them - you'll have enough pressure upon you without a production deadline at a time when you need to remain composed. One of the ladies at Stitch 'n Bitch is knitting bunting for her wedding later this year and now that's about all she ever knits.
8. Our "song"...
UK: It was a civil wedding so there was no music there but we taped our own for the reception
US: We chose 'I'll never find another you'' by The Seekers, although the wedding singer 'Mr Music' absolutely slaughtered it *cringe**shudder*
10. Favors. I was thinking single serve Christmas puddings. Homemade mix for people to make at home.
Christmas Pudding In February???? that sounds all wrong and I don't think they'll appreciate anything they have to put effort into - perhaps a teeny bag with a few luxury choccies or something? We gave them a handshake or a kiss on the cheek!
11. Honeymoon... Um. I don't even know if we are having one.
Demand one!!
UK: One day in a nice hotel
US: 3 days in Miami once we'd escaped the iron grip of the in-laws
15. Hair and Makeup, I may do my own, both.
I'm sure you'd do a fine job but at that time you may prefer some assistance see 7.
I'm sure your attendants will be fine on the day - a wedding has a certain gravitas about it.
Anyway congrats and good luck with the new job
Boohbahs rotate in their little spaceship and say their names when you press their tummies down but that' s it they're quite chilled really. I'm happy with their level of performance but was spooked this morning when I pressed their tummies they all said their names and then after I'd left the room one of them said its name again
So i have been busy these last couple of weeks. I took my mom and lyric to disney world. We had a good time, despite the little one not believing in magic.
The last two weeks have been spent with Michael's parents, eating out, going to things like sawgrass boat tours, and just spending time together. I heard a couple of hints from his mother... Read More
I haven't been on a cruise, sadly. I wasn't spending time on the site anymore, getting extremely busy with work et al, and so I thought that I cancelled my subscription but apparently I didn't. I found out I was still on when I got a friend request two days ago, and so I'm back through next October anyway.
I'm glad to see that things have been going well for you in the interim. What's your favorite memory from the cruise?