Well another week eh...i just had a big ass scare of my life, a pregancy one that is..to be honest i dont find out till monday...im not fussed with sharing this with the world tho i mean fuck it. gut feeling is saying im not but proof is telling me otherwise
So ill write another entry for sure when i find out ive never in my whole life wanted to get period pain ahahah funny that.
Well that was a good intorduction...i havent been aroudn much, trying to get things bac together for the new year...slowly getting there i now am in the process of having my own radio programme for heavy metal late nights within the next month so im stoked!! my b/f has gone over East for a week to see metallica and the BDO...thats comming up in the next two weeks here and im on cloud nine about that... my fave band The butterfly Effect are playing there and also at another festival in march called Rockit..and not to mentiuon the legands that are A Perfect Circle are playing in Perth Feb 27th..now who the fuck is saying Perth misses out on everything???? put it this way things are changing..slowly gettig better promoters and venues for concerts..so thats mad!
In the Aussie Kerrang i read today which has porbably been out over in the U.S but it was the article with Dave grohl talkign about The SG video clip and it has aloevly ladies ass on the frpont cover...unfortunatley i do not recognize it
a small interview with him but kick ass none the less...and slipknots album is finally near to completion, altho there have been a few more complications that expected:/
Errr i have a cold how dumb its fucking mid summer and im catching a fucking cold...oh well
missing my Luke...but im actually very well considering all
YAY AUSTRALIA DAY SOON...(we have fireworks and i get excited very easily)
Love you

So ill write another entry for sure when i find out ive never in my whole life wanted to get period pain ahahah funny that.
Well that was a good intorduction...i havent been aroudn much, trying to get things bac together for the new year...slowly getting there i now am in the process of having my own radio programme for heavy metal late nights within the next month so im stoked!! my b/f has gone over East for a week to see metallica and the BDO...thats comming up in the next two weeks here and im on cloud nine about that... my fave band The butterfly Effect are playing there and also at another festival in march called Rockit..and not to mentiuon the legands that are A Perfect Circle are playing in Perth Feb 27th..now who the fuck is saying Perth misses out on everything???? put it this way things are changing..slowly gettig better promoters and venues for concerts..so thats mad!
In the Aussie Kerrang i read today which has porbably been out over in the U.S but it was the article with Dave grohl talkign about The SG video clip and it has aloevly ladies ass on the frpont cover...unfortunatley i do not recognize it

Errr i have a cold how dumb its fucking mid summer and im catching a fucking cold...oh well
missing my Luke...but im actually very well considering all

YAY AUSTRALIA DAY SOON...(we have fireworks and i get excited very easily)
Love you

good luck with everything!!!

...read my journal this week.