Thanks so fucking much people for saying happy birthday!! i had the best time ever!!!
i dont have enough time to write back in everyones being busy!
umm i got the best shit ever!
I'm still havign trouble with one of my tattoo designs that i want..but i'll get there and it will be soon, i got a new digital more photos wil be up here as of next week....i promice!!!
And the next set shall be submitted very soon..fuck me its busy in December hey?
i went out and got everyones xmas pressies today..i never shop for xmas before my bday...takes away the fun
I did all the family shit yesterday and that was OK...presents rocked though, just got a whole heapa shit that i wanted, including a gothic doll..anyone heard of them? well shes a hottie
tomorrow night (wednesday) i have a huge dinner with freiends and then out to this place called the criac..its big on wednesday nights and oooo no work the next day!!!
How is everyones xmas plans going?
let me know wahts going on! love u all

i dont have enough time to write back in everyones being busy!
umm i got the best shit ever!
I'm still havign trouble with one of my tattoo designs that i want..but i'll get there and it will be soon, i got a new digital more photos wil be up here as of next week....i promice!!!
And the next set shall be submitted very soon..fuck me its busy in December hey?
i went out and got everyones xmas pressies today..i never shop for xmas before my bday...takes away the fun

I did all the family shit yesterday and that was OK...presents rocked though, just got a whole heapa shit that i wanted, including a gothic doll..anyone heard of them? well shes a hottie

tomorrow night (wednesday) i have a huge dinner with freiends and then out to this place called the criac..its big on wednesday nights and oooo no work the next day!!!
How is everyones xmas plans going?
let me know wahts going on! love u all

One fucking birthday and you disappear!
I finally have a new update!
Happy New Year!