Wow a shit load is happening this birthday next monday!!...x-mas party's all round and fun festive times ahead...
I recieved my secret Satan pressie..and yea all the SG's got together to do a secret "satan" brilliant idea, and i got mine from's like the best fucking thing ever...a kick as painting, MAC products OH MY GOD!! and postcards and the most beautiful original earth looking neckless i have ever fucking seen...she said she got them to match my eyes :Kiss: how nice is that?
any way im totally fucking thrilled..
Do i swear to much? ive been told this by my famil too often and im thinking maybe i do..ah well.
I cant wait to do my next set!!! im in the process of changing photographers so thats why i have to wait till after the 15th December..should be good though.
Has anyone got any super cool exciting news? anyone doing anything xxxtra special for christmas and new year?
This will be the fist xmas in 6 years i can actually enjoy so im happy with that, and as for new years as long as im with good people friends and a fuck load of vodka i'll be very sweet..
More gigs this weekend...the Aussies will know of Sunkloto, well there comming to my neck of the lost and hidden woods, get to hang out with the guys it should eb a good night
my best friends band is opening for them so im happy...
Thankyou soo much Thursday, your the very fucking best

I recieved my secret Satan pressie..and yea all the SG's got together to do a secret "satan" brilliant idea, and i got mine from's like the best fucking thing ever...a kick as painting, MAC products OH MY GOD!! and postcards and the most beautiful original earth looking neckless i have ever fucking seen...she said she got them to match my eyes :Kiss: how nice is that?
any way im totally fucking thrilled..
Do i swear to much? ive been told this by my famil too often and im thinking maybe i do..ah well.
I cant wait to do my next set!!! im in the process of changing photographers so thats why i have to wait till after the 15th December..should be good though.
Has anyone got any super cool exciting news? anyone doing anything xxxtra special for christmas and new year?
This will be the fist xmas in 6 years i can actually enjoy so im happy with that, and as for new years as long as im with good people friends and a fuck load of vodka i'll be very sweet..
More gigs this weekend...the Aussies will know of Sunkloto, well there comming to my neck of the lost and hidden woods, get to hang out with the guys it should eb a good night

Thankyou soo much Thursday, your the very fucking best

Happy Birthday!!!
....happy festivas....update mate!