I have a few things I'd like to share here, but I'm going to remain focused and not ramble and jump topics. Gotta declare that so I make it happen.

These words have been sitting with me the past couple days, out of nowhere, and very powerfully:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
I don't even know where to start. . . I've been thinking about thoughts becoming words, and I was wondering to myself if that's true. I mean, we all think plenty of things that never become anything in the world; all sorts of thoughts involuntarily run through our minds before we even know what happened. Doesn't mean we follow them.
However, I will say, when you think a thought, when you put it into language, it becomes something. Maybe you never express those words outside yourself, but when you assign words, it is in the world. Perhaps you have an energy shift, perhaps it's now something you can verbalize and reference, but whatever it is, as soon as there are words you definitely have an anchor you can look back on and understand.
I've been adjusting my actions to become habits as of late. I'm really uplifted and happy about it!
And, I do hope I build new habits that build character as I'm aiming to go down as a legacy, not a passive occupant of here. I wonder what that makes my destiny. . .
I've also noticed that yes, my past habits and actions have made me who I am now, and I can't kill that easily, not within and not in the eye of others. With things being so odd for me lately, it's comforting to know others' view of my character, due to what I've put in place, is high. I built that.
Anyway, I've just been thinking about what that quote says and perhaps means for me. No concrete answers, just a conversation.
I'd love any of your input on the matter.