First off, THANK YOU to all of you who have voted, commented, messaged me re: my cupcake goodie set. I am so grateful and touched. Honestly.
I was so excited for my set to go live and finally have it out there that I didn't even think about the feedback I'd get. It's amazing and I am so grateful to each and every one of you!!! Thank you so much.
If you haven't seen my set yet, please go check it out! I need some more votes/higher percentage for the set to be taken, so I'd love for you to take a look and let your people know, too. Link + previews. . .
cupcake goodie
In other news, it's been a weird couple days. Not necessarily bad weird, just weird. My sleep schedule is off. I've been sorting through life/job/what to do and just wading through choices and paths to take. I'm figuring out my new year's resolution, something I can focus on and stick to that means something to me.
With all the awkward weirdness floating about, good stuff has been happening, too. Since my internet is flaky central, I've been proud that I've gotten up early and got work done at my local coffee shop and been productive. Also, with my schedule being so off, thankfully I've been able to come on here.
Honestly, and not to sound clich or cheesy, talking to some of you, reading your words, and hearing your feedback has really made me smile and brought brightness to my funk. Living alone, working alone, and feeling like I've been out of the loop has been made so much better by getting to interact with you all.
Thanks again.
Here's to less weirdness for us all!