So, I'm leaving my job in just over a month. My boss knows, in fact, she is the one who turned down my proposal to continue my role in the company but more efficiently and focused. We agreed I stay on until before the holidays. And now, it's weird.
I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this. But it's truly sad that my boss doesn't know or isn't acknowledging what I do, what I have done, my role, and what I've put in. So now, she's being rude. Like, bitingly so. Yesterday I was so upset by something she said and the completely disrespectful way she did I almost called it quits right there. And today, another incident, more being condescending to me. I do have over a month left there, and I'm reallllly hoping that it won't be like this every day.
I will say though, this is totally teaching me patience, letting go of my ego, and keeping a bigger picture in mind. I've been smiling, forcing myself to keep an upbeat tone, and keeping on. I thought about seeing my family, needing money for my own business, and saving dollars cause I'm going to Barcelona next month! Now's not the time to throw a hissy fit, even though in my heart I know I'm right and this is not the way it needs to be.
Maybe I'm growing up.
I just hope she doesn't break me. . .
xxo <3
I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this. But it's truly sad that my boss doesn't know or isn't acknowledging what I do, what I have done, my role, and what I've put in. So now, she's being rude. Like, bitingly so. Yesterday I was so upset by something she said and the completely disrespectful way she did I almost called it quits right there. And today, another incident, more being condescending to me. I do have over a month left there, and I'm reallllly hoping that it won't be like this every day.
I will say though, this is totally teaching me patience, letting go of my ego, and keeping a bigger picture in mind. I've been smiling, forcing myself to keep an upbeat tone, and keeping on. I thought about seeing my family, needing money for my own business, and saving dollars cause I'm going to Barcelona next month! Now's not the time to throw a hissy fit, even though in my heart I know I'm right and this is not the way it needs to be.
Maybe I'm growing up.

I just hope she doesn't break me. . .
xxo <3
If it starts to get unbearable I would say try and talk to her. Many times relationships of all kinds fail or become antagonistic due to a breakdown in communication.
If she doesnt want to talk to you I would talk with the HR department and explain to them whats going on and see if they can sit down with both of you and mediate while you talk things through.
If thats seems like too much trouble you can always just keep your head down as best as you can and grind away till you leave, lol.
Agian, sorry to just barge in with this unsolicited advice. Have fun in Barcelona.
It's a small company, so I'm actually HR.
Today was better, not as extreme, so I'm hoping me continuing to be nice and all helps and she comes around. You're right, if it doesn't get better, just grind away! And keep Barcelona in mind to get me through.
Thanks for your advice.