Hmmmmm ... a very silly girl once said ... it just isn't a bender until one of your friends launches themselves head first into a parked vehicle. With that said .. Holy fucking hell what a glorious bender it was!!!!!! Hee hee hee ...
My life is total chaos at the moment, but that's nothing too unusual for me. I can deal with the insanity for the most part ... but the lack of sleep, weed and drinking time is really starting to get to me. One bender during two weeks??? I'm freaking slipping ... won't you help me please .. kidnap me, drug me and take me to a shithole bar. Yes yes ... hurry up .. do it now!!!!!!!
My life is total chaos at the moment, but that's nothing too unusual for me. I can deal with the insanity for the most part ... but the lack of sleep, weed and drinking time is really starting to get to me. One bender during two weeks??? I'm freaking slipping ... won't you help me please .. kidnap me, drug me and take me to a shithole bar. Yes yes ... hurry up .. do it now!!!!!!!

Damn faulty spy gear.
So yeah, I'm back.
Weird how the colours matched up eh? That's still the colour of the bedroom. I got sick from paint fumes earlier this week and decided to wait a bit before I painted any more. Let me know if you'd like to use that colour, or wait until it's painted. I already have the paint so it won't be too long.