This is my favorite time of year. Sometime between nowish and November 2nd I get all tingly and excited.
The whole world seems to be a little bit more beautiful. It is like my own private Christmas.
Only 15 more days until the dead come out to dance. I have to really put some work into my offering this year. Last year everything came together...
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The whole world seems to be a little bit more beautiful. It is like my own private Christmas.
Only 15 more days until the dead come out to dance. I have to really put some work into my offering this year. Last year everything came together...
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It appears that I have a message in my inbox here. However, I cannot seem to retrieve it. Every time I click on it, there is nothing there. This has been going on for the past few days. I want to know what the mystery message says.
If you sent my a message, resend it! I am intrigued because the message remains a mystery!
If you sent my a message, resend it! I am intrigued because the message remains a mystery!
I've had that many times. It's just a phantom. Apparently, some problem with outdated cookies or such.
If you want me to message you, just say so.
If you want me to message you, just say so.

Look at the other tabs at the top of the messages page. Chances are, you have a friends' request or similar.
The job search continues. It is not encouraging.
I'm sort of still in post-bar funk. I've been catching up with friends, sleeping a lot and not doing enough to unpack my new apartment.
But, I'm back in my own digs, with cat and overall okay. I'm watching all of The Shield from beginning to end after I get up and look for jobs for two...
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I'm sort of still in post-bar funk. I've been catching up with friends, sleeping a lot and not doing enough to unpack my new apartment.
But, I'm back in my own digs, with cat and overall okay. I'm watching all of The Shield from beginning to end after I get up and look for jobs for two...
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I never update this journal... Perhaps I should. In between post-bar exhaustion and moving, I've been too lazy to do much at all. Perhaps I will start updating more often in an attempt to be more interactive. Bleh.
On the bright side, infrequent updates may mean you actually have a life. Unlike some of us.
Looking at your music tastes, you might like Jennifer Terran. I highly recommend Pomegranate Weed or Opening's Had. Give her a listen sometime.

Looking at your music tastes, you might like Jennifer Terran. I highly recommend Pomegranate Weed or Opening's Had. Give her a listen sometime.
How was the bar? When do you find out the results?
Boink. Haven't posted here in forever. Suspect no one will notice. Want to stop studying for the bar and run to join the circus.
Ick. Lawyerly grown up-ness not so much all the time. Loving the weather in Portland though. This is so much better than ninety-degree heat.
Hope the weather in Bend doesn't totally suck this weekend.
Ick. Lawyerly grown up-ness not so much all the time. Loving the weather in Portland though. This is so much better than ninety-degree heat.
Hope the weather in Bend doesn't totally suck this weekend.
Would people please, please, please, please stop complaining about John Roberts being nominated, confirmed and sworn as the Chief Justice of the United States?
I didn't think so, somehow. However if you are going to complain, please figure out what your complaint is, why you personally believe that he is unqualified to be Chief Justice of the United States and who you suggest as a...
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I didn't think so, somehow. However if you are going to complain, please figure out what your complaint is, why you personally believe that he is unqualified to be Chief Justice of the United States and who you suggest as a...
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Hope you have a Happy Birthday.
Senate confirmation is a political process, not a hearing on the nominee's qualifications. It is in the SENATE - of COURSE it is political. The whole point of politics is.....politics. The point of waging war on a candidacy is to do damage to the opponent, weaken them, forcing them into a difficult position. The more political capital a president spends early, the less that president has to spend on say - - selling other tough to sell ideas like social security privatization.
The supreme court nomination processes were ones that the white house eventually won. But, they came at a cost. The president has expended his political capital.
Whatever means one can use to debunk an opponent are legitimate because this isn't anything BUT a political process and politics isn't like some job interview so no, never stop complaining about one's opponent's selections for judiciary. That is why there is a Senate confirmation. It isn't a hand-holding process.
The supreme court nomination processes were ones that the white house eventually won. But, they came at a cost. The president has expended his political capital.
Whatever means one can use to debunk an opponent are legitimate because this isn't anything BUT a political process and politics isn't like some job interview so no, never stop complaining about one's opponent's selections for judiciary. That is why there is a Senate confirmation. It isn't a hand-holding process.
Well I'm sorry to hear that youare leaving. Yes it seems that there are a lot of people leaving, but they always ahve more new girls.
I know that SG has more new girls. Many. Everyday. Were you talking about members or models? Quantity and quality aren't equivalent.
I know that SG has more new girls. Many. Everyday. Were you talking about members or models? Quantity and quality aren't equivalent.

Welcome to SGPDX

Account will be cancelled as of end of this month. It was really nice of the people who asked to wonder where I was. I've got too much on my plate to really participate here. Plus, some of the girls I joined the site to look at are gone. I don't know why I'm posting this b/c no one will read it.
I hate to see you go. Sometimes I doubt people on here know how many people read what is written. Anyway, I wish you well wherever you go.
Well I'm sorry to hear that youare leaving. Yes it seems that there are a lot of people leaving, but they always ahve more new girls.
Last night I got many tickets in the mail. Perfect timing because I was just getting into a depressive exam funk. The funk is still there, but now I have something to look forward to once I'm done. Yes. Many things to look forward to. Not the least of which is figuring out the Portland bus system. Heh. With my luck I'll try to go...
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missed those eyes...
Impatience is not a virtue. Impatience is not a virtue. Impatience is not a virtue.

Virtue Mine Honor!!!
Good luck!