the last week flew by and now on the last stretch.
yeah I have to go back to Mosul on sunday.
I had fun while I was here and looking forward to serving the rest of my tour in Iraq so i can leave it and be with my family and friends again. too long have I been away from them and missed my siblings...
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hope everything goes well smile
i hate technology smile
my third set got accpeted !! biggrin
the burn is better but it will be a big scar frown
YOU have to take care !!
I'm back safe and sound in California.
I'm so relieved.
I got my picture in the front of the Elk Grove newspaper on my return because my family swarmed the airport to welcome me home.
I've changed a lot and for the good.
I take no crap from any one and tell it like it is no need to be a hero.
Anyway it is...
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so nice to read you are back home safe !
hell i tell you that burning hurt....not at the moment i got it but like the next day !
show me your scar !
Hello new friend! smile

I'm glad you liked my Indian dance pics. Indian dancing is something I love to do...I've been doing it for over 15 years...

And, yeah...I'm so glad that I finally got myself to learn how to drive on the freeways cause its virtually impossible trying to get around LA on city streets, lol.

Glad to hear that you made it back home safe!
I'm leaving tomarrow and going back to California.
I am so excited.
I don't have words.
I'll be able to update my picture too probably. Then I can post a few pictures of the Euphrates river and the people there.
Its going to be different not being in a combat zone. If I hear a loud noise I'll probably dive for cover. I'll probaby go...
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whooo yay you are coming back to cali! biggrin
hey send me an email for how many cards you want and your mailing address and i will get back to you on payment later. if your still interested
So leave is coming up on the 18th.
I can't wait to leave this place and go see my loved ones.
I'm going to get sooooo drunk.
So far things in Iraq, in this section, are alright. We did get mortared the other day but usually that is rare.
Murphy and his stupid law are running rampant and if I could I'd shoot him.
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yea my friend hasn't arrived there yet and he won't tell me where he is going till he gets there he keeps saying.
thanks for your comment, is very sweet!!! smile if you have the chance to come to bogota you will have fun!!!
I have been waiting to go on leave to see my family and friends for some time now, yet it got postponed.
The last few weeks really sucked and every day seems to be worse than the last, something stupid has to happen otherwise the world would end. murphy and his stupid law are running rampant and no one will let me shoot him.
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they are $6 a pop, i will post my paypal info once i start making them, prob about 2 weeks.

ya that does sound pathetic over a trash can! damn i know i'm gonna fail again too.
Yay for leaving Iraq! I am so happy for you, I can imagine how happy you must be! smile What's ruck marching? I'm guessing its with all your gear? If that's the case, holy moly, isn't that like 60 lbs of stuff on your back??? HARDCORE!
I am back...
I have been shot at..
Nearly blown up...
But I'm here, and here to tell you all that while I am here in Iraq I have helped the people and caught many insurgents. I got the SG DVD all the way over here and loved it.
I hope you all are well and will post some more things soon.
Cuidate smile