The semester is over. I had a whopping 4 days off before summer started. This semester should be easier (of course I just jinxed myself by writing that).

So between studying like crazy for finals and selling my mom's car for her, I've been a busy girl.

The pup is going to the vet. She has some weird little growth on her tum and I'm...
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hey, I just wanted to say thanks for your words and support in the girl group. your story gives me hope. smile
Yeah well I quit talking to him, and haven't heard anything since. I am looking and taking my time. I have been single for the past 6 months, but I was engaged, twice, and the wounds still have not healed.
I heard this on the local college radio station today. I guess it's the liner notes of a band called Propoghandi.

"Religion is an impulse to explain. A natural impulse that everyone has and everyone grapples with. It's an impulse that, sadly and ironically, has been exploited to convinced people to take actions that defy and demean that impulse. The exploiters are (fuck - not...
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Religion AND Politics?!?! eeek
Recovering Catholic here... I totally agree with the the author of the piece you quoted. Religion has caused more pain then any other cause or circumstance in the course of history. And the hypocrisy I've seen is ridiculous. If they don't agree with the dogma of their religion...why are they there? We all want to "change" things rather then find or found the practice that suits our beliefs. I'm Unitarian now... which is technically a religion but I prefer to think of it as a community of open minded people who sharing a spiritual journey... in whatever way they choose to let that manifest itself.

I found you through SG Geezers..BTW. biggrin
Do not read unless you are a girl.... trust me!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I don't mind having a period. Really, I don't. But damn this month is yuck! I took a month break from my BC and now I regret it. It has been heavy and painful as fuck. My choice of BC has made them nice and light and I am not normally...
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Don't worry, it took me four fucking weeks to even know that spoilers were something I could do.

And, by the way, sorry your period was so bad. But you know it's not just a girl thing. I mean whatever happens is whatever happens, its all grist for the mill.

So are you switching pills or just taking a holiday (or, consideing how you are feeling, holiday was not the right word)

Sorry about your mom's cat, but I highly respect the way animals deal with death. They're just, like "well, it's coming, so I am gonna sit here an wait for it." Humans could get a clue from this.
wanna go to luch today?? i'll call ya.
So, I saw Kung Fu Hustle at the Florida Film Festival this weekend. I thought it was going to be like Scary Movie (which I have never seen) except about Kung Fu movies. It wasn't. I actually liked it more than I thought I would. But I like watching fighting scenes a la Crouching Tiger, Hero and House of Flying Daggers.

The last week has...
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Thanks for the compliments. kiss

I'm going to see Kung Fu Hustle tommorrow. Hopefully I'll like it. It looks stupid in the commercials. biggrin
Hey there,

Greetings & salutations. I've been busy busy busy studying my thinger off. I wasn't able to get tickets for Interpol in time but, I think it's for the best as the Doves will satifiying enough. Haven't gone out at all really, which is alittlle sad but, when I'm through with school I'll make up for lost time. Sounds like your paper is going well. I'm glad your doing well with everything. Hope your enjoying your weekend & talk with you soon.
Good afternoon my SG friend,

I hope your saturday is going very smoothly for you. If I had to guess I'd say your on your bike or with your fantastic baby (Dog) right now.
I'm glad to here your trip went well, I can't say I didn't miss you!! A contrast paper sounds more interesting then trying to fill up so many pages about one single book. Good luck on that paper.
The Sartre play I saw was so interesting, it's still hanging in the back of my mind. I don't believe it was ever done as a film. He was quite an interesting guy. I'm a bit of a pack rat too I just bought an Interpol shirt off ebay to add to my concert shirt collection. The thing is I never wear them just put them in plastic & pack them away. Only if the shirt in crap condition already can I wear them.
Art is an interesting concept. It all depends on the city in which you live as to weather it's concidered good or bad. Same with fashion & music I guess. Glad you enjoyed Gainsville.
I'm sure that soon enough once you've finished college you'll be swimming in $$!! Or atleast not have to worry your pretty head so much about it.
I find that interesting that your bf hadn't seen Rebel. I love that film. I enjoy Montgomery Clift more actually. I read his bio, painful stuff. Great actor.
I have till June 6th then off to the Chiropratic office I'm hopeing. That will be my internship, he's a friend of my dad's.
You are so close to the light at the end of the tunnel!!! You'll most likely miss school once your all finished.
As for the ink under your breast, sounds like a cool idea with the script of your dogs name. The paw not so much. You should put up more pix of yourself, your much more alluring than your dog. Maybe not by much but, enough to mention.
Hope all is well, enjoy your weekend & no mine is filled with studying. Take care.
Awww, cute pics. biggrin
I haven't heard from you in a while I hope that everything is going well in school & such. I've been o-ding on med terms to the point that they turning up in my everyday conversations. Weriod ha, Well, I miss our little chats. Hope you have a great week ahead.
The little one and her mother are both doing fine. All the tests and ultrasounds indicate that all is well, and aside from the normal pregancy related stuff, my love is also well.

Thanks much for asking, I am very excited about the new arrival.

Also, I have been enjoying your comments in the Feminist group.
ooh, impatiens are so pretty!!
i feel bad for that lady but she's been gone 15 years. she doesn't have much life left in her. i wouldn't want to live like that and of course her parents love her but i think they should really just let go. it'd be different if she'd only been in a coma for a short while.
Good afternoon,
I hope you had a great time with your friends this weekend in Gainsville.
Hopefully you didn't bike too much on that painful seat of yours.
Well, yes I see now the value that taking Latin would've had on my future career. I've now 104 prefixes & suffixes under my belt. It takes studying & I'm putting in the effort.
I envy you & your attempt at remaining positive. For me it seems sometimes I run on anger towards within. Now that I'm older it's subsided a great deal as I've accepted myself as who & what I've done in the past to get to here. Sometimes it still creeps in & I'll be in a total crap mood the entire day.
It's true with me as well about if I'd gone to college straight out of highschool but, instead I believe I might have met better people then those around me now. Not saying my friends are bad it's just that they have a lack of strive that I don't agree with.
It's true there does seem to be a niche available in Orlando for a veg restaurant. Here we have them poping up all the time. I just saw another one downtown yesterday that I must try. I commend you for making the veg food at home. I had the tufu again this morning, yummy.
Neon Genesis sounds very deep & interesting to say the least. Reminds me a bit of Matrix & if you don't watch the little cartoon animatrix before each movie you'll miss a great deal of whats happening.
I honestly think the whole thing with humans trying to play God & the cloneing sitsuation isn't in our best interests. There can't be a positive outcome to cloneing humans at all. It can only be a means to an end. I was raised Roman Cathlic but, as I've gotten older I lost my faith in organized religon but, continue to have faith.
Hope your well & have a great week.
Hee hee....that's a little creepy!! smile

I have never been to a tattoo convention, but I am really looking forward to it!! I won't be getting ink, but I love to see everyone else's!! smile

Happy Sunday! smile
Happy Easter to you as well dear,
I'm glad to hear that your studying paid off. B's in science aren't that easy
so congratulations to you.
I did spend my entire springbreak peeling wallpaper & trying to get registered for school. I did actually get into Insurance Billing this quarter which is a good place to start. The Phlobotomey class turned out to be full so I'll try in 6 months to get in again, The billing should be fine for now, there is an internship after that should set me up well.
Today we went to an all you can eat brunch that I dislike for the fact that I feel like I'm supposed to pig out & I can't do it as after one small plate I'm filled up. Plus this entire last month I've gone vegatarian so there wasn't much I could eat. How about your family meal?
Sounds like fun really.
Well, getting the house in order shouldn't take you all week, should it? You should do something fun, you deserve it. Our weather has turned to rain & I'm loving it soooo much. I love the sound of rain while I sleep. Well, I hope your enjoying yourself & I look forward to chatting with you soon.
I'm tired and grumpy. I have a Biology test today so I have been studying my ass off this week. Seriously, like 10 hours a day studying because cramming seems to work for me better. Maybe the luck of the Irish will be with me today! Woo hoo!

We were supposed to go see "Roman Holiday" tonight. There's a part of the city that shows...
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Honestly, it didn't really hurt. Yeah, there were some tender spots, but it was nothing compared to the one on the inside of my foot!!! smile

Especially since it was so small, it was really only about 20 minutes anyway....I'm sure if it was bigger it would have hurt more, but this one didn't!! smile
*crosses fingers* Hope you have Happy Easter!! kiss
People suck. Bleh.

I had a couch that I needed to get rid of and rather than call Salvation Army or someplace like that who will make a profit from the couch, I found a woman on Craig's List who is in the process of getting divorced and staying in her friend's garage and was looking for stuff to make the garage livable. I contacted...
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that's what you get for trying to help people.....fuck 'em! wink

well...the bike was comfortable for the first 8-10 miles....thats pretty good. what st. pattyy's day event did you go to?

Good evening dear,
I hope you had a great day today.
The weather here has been in the 60's & sunny. perfect for painting & yardwork.
That's a lot of biking when your not so used to it. You need to get a more comfortable seat for rides like that. I think people acknowledge you less when your on a bike because there too worried your going to run them over or something. I find that when I bike it's the bikers that say hi & when I walk it's the walkers. Odd isn't it. I agree that it is proper to fall back when passing a crowd but, we are in a small group that do this.
This whole administration has turned all the education programs into testing prep. It's all based on your scores now & that decides your future. It's quite sad it's a lot like Japan now. I don't know if it'll get better or worse as time goes on.
I agree that if you go into science with the attitude that it's fun & interesting that you will enjoy it. As I get older I seem to think that science & astronomy are more interesting to me. Before it was all art & english & now that I know a lot of that I've switched to new things to be interested in. Making a difference is all that seems to matter to me now. Well, that & finding someone who will grow with me.
Yes, the whole experience of music buying is different now. I really miss the old way. I worked at a local cd store for awhile & loved it then a corporate came in & toppeled us. Well, what did you listen to today?
What tour did you see U2 on? I've scene them 4 times & that's not enough. Isn't Disneyland in Orlando? You live near Disneyland? I've never been nor care to go but, I find that interesting that you live so close to it. No wonder everything is soooo over priced. Well, I'm off to the record store for more of what alles me. I'd like you to know your bf is very lucky to have you. Hope your night is great. Oh & try & get a new seat soon as it only gets worse.