SNOW!! I want to go make celestial beings out of translucent hexagonal ice crystals!!!
I want to steal Jared Fogle's pants. I mean really, what kind of effect would he have in his presentations without his old pants to show everyone?
I think I need to reevaluate my life. Everything. My job, friends (or lack thereof), girlfriend (or lack thereof), apartment, hangouts, lifestyle, spending habits, how I interact with people.

As far as job goes, it's pretty good. Pay is good and it's easy. Going kind of crazy though, because I don't interact with many people at work. That combined with coming home to nothing/nobody is...
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What's my life come to? I'm sitting and watching You Got Served. Save me Jeebus!
So it starts. Holidays alone. Again. I should go to vegas or something for xmas. Rooms are cheap. Flights aren't too bad. I'd just probably lose all kinds of money. I'd be entertained though. Forget about xmas. I need to figure out what to do with this weekend.
I had a dream about Tiffany lastnight. Basically we were walking down a street and I saw this chick that I liked playing Ms. Pacman. Tiffany said, "Here's $5 to play. I have to go grab some produce." And well that was pretty much it. Pretty dull but weird. I had no idea she was that understanding.
I wish I had an army of prostitutes. Man that'd be cool.
I think I need change in everything in my life. The only thing I really want to keep is my job and that's solely for financial purposes. I should pay off all of my debts that way I won't even need my job. I need new friends. I need a new girlfriend. Hell, I guess I just need friends and a girlfriend, period. Nothing I...
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Eh. I'm totally at a loss for anything in my life. I miss Ann but I'm almost convinced that she's incapable of being in a relationship. Maybe it's the fact that she may be incapable of being a responsible person. Her mom is really sick right now and of course that means she can't ever call, talk, or see me. This in no way helps...
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