I bought a new mustang yesterday. I totally love it. It's a huge change from my audi, but still nice. In retrospect, my audi was the most comfortable thing. It's like I was driving a lay-z boy or something. The mustang actually feels like I'm driving a car.
It kinda feels good to see people looking at your car. Last night when I went to leave Ruby Tuesdays, a few of the guys that worked there were watching me drive away from the window. I got some satisfaction out of that. It really is getting a lot of looks. I'm sure it'll die down once more people start buying them, and they become more commonplace. I'm just the first kid on the block to get one.
It kinda feels good to see people looking at your car. Last night when I went to leave Ruby Tuesdays, a few of the guys that worked there were watching me drive away from the window. I got some satisfaction out of that. It really is getting a lot of looks. I'm sure it'll die down once more people start buying them, and they become more commonplace. I'm just the first kid on the block to get one.

I used to love that shit when i had my 3000GT. .. man, i miss that car. I Probably wouldn't mind an Audi or a new stang (cobra. .. druel. . . .)