I made a girl cry today at work. I feel bad, yet I feel as though I've accomplished something. I mean I was on my way out and she told me to go grab a package and bring it up to the office. Knowing that the task would take nearly a half hour, I straight up said no. But I offered to cover the phones while she went. Then she brought up the whole "you're a guy, I'm a girl" thing. Sorry but that doesn't fly in the military.
The second thing is that I outrank her and she shouldn't be telling me what to do. I never use the rank thing with her, but maybe it's becoming a problem. We've been entirely too friendly to eachother. Anyhow, when she came back I asked her how big the package was and it was obvious that she had been crying, she said "Why? It doesn't concern you." She then proceeded to ignore me.
The second thing is that I outrank her and she shouldn't be telling me what to do. I never use the rank thing with her, but maybe it's becoming a problem. We've been entirely too friendly to eachother. Anyhow, when she came back I asked her how big the package was and it was obvious that she had been crying, she said "Why? It doesn't concern you." She then proceeded to ignore me.