So I've decided I'm going to get a Jaguar when I start my civilian job. I just want to be able to say Jag-u-ar.
Lately I've been obsessed with Kill Bill Vol. 1. I was watching TV and saw a car commercial that was using the Kill Bill theme. I said "I'm going to buy whatever it is they're selling." Oddly enough it was a Jaguar commercial.
The other day I was driving home and decided I was going to watch Kill Bill, yet again. I walk in, throw the DVD in, turn on the tv, and there it is, on STARZ. It was just starting too.
All this kind of freaked me out.
So I've decided I'm going to get a Jaguar when I start my civilian job. I just want to be able to say Jag-u-ar.
Lately I've been obsessed with Kill Bill Vol. 1. I was watching TV and saw a car commercial that was using the Kill Bill theme. I said "I'm going to buy whatever it is they're selling." Oddly enough it was a Jaguar commercial.
The other day I was driving home and decided I was going to watch Kill Bill, yet again. I walk in, throw the DVD in, turn on the tv, and there it is, on STARZ. It was just starting too.
All this kind of freaked me out.