No matter where I go, I always seem to attract old guys. I mean they're cool to talk to and all but I went to a new bar tonight and well this dude totally paid for half of my tab. I mean why? This always happens. Am I just that cool (to senior citizens) that they buy my drinks, or is it because I have such a tight ass that... well we won't go there. I'd like to go on thinking it's the former. I'm very disturbed right now.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 11, 2005
So she has totally cut off her ex. I don't have any doubt about this… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2005
Ann says she's realized the change that needs to be made in her life … -
Saturday Mar 05, 2005
Rage. I just saw her ex. Me, her, and her friend went and had lu… -
Saturday Mar 05, 2005
Ann tells me everything I'd ever want to and need to hear, except for… -
Friday Mar 04, 2005
All is well. -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
Turns out her ex just got ahold of her cell phone sending texts and a… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2005
Well she's officially back with her ex. I'm not angry, just disappoi… -
Sunday Feb 20, 2005
Well, turns out she's not a bitch. Basically her ex is offering to g… -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2005
So I'm told that my g/f spent last night with her ex. She told me th… -
Monday Feb 14, 2005
"But it's St. Valentine's Day. God wants us to do it!" It's not her…
I pretty much grew up all around rednecks and vowed never to become one. They're usually good people and all but nothing I can ever really get into. He also invited me to go to a NASCAR race with him and a couple friends but I don't even know about that. I mean really, cars driving in circles? I'll have to be utterly tanked to enjoy that. I'm not being too open-minded about it but still, I just don't see it.
Basically I just need to find a new place where I can drink in public and have some alone time. I know I can do that at home too but I just need to be able to observe people and stuff. I'm just crazy like that.