No matter where I go, I always seem to attract old guys. I mean they're cool to talk to and all but I went to a new bar tonight and well this dude totally paid for half of my tab. I mean why? This always happens. Am I just that cool (to senior citizens) that they buy my drinks, or is it because I have such a tight ass that... well we won't go there. I'd like to go on thinking it's the former. I'm very disturbed right now.
More Blogs
Monday Dec 05, 2005
SNOW!! I want to go make celestial beings out of translucent hexagon… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
I want to steal Jared Fogle's pants. I mean really, what kind of eff… -
Friday Nov 25, 2005
I think I need to reevaluate my life. Everything. My job, friends (… -
Friday Nov 25, 2005
What's my life come to? I'm sitting and watching You Got Served. S… -
Thursday Nov 24, 2005
So it starts. Holidays alone. Again. I should go to vegas or somet… -
Tuesday Nov 08, 2005
I had a dream about Tiffany lastnight. Basically we were walking dow… -
Sunday Nov 06, 2005
I wish I had an army of prostitutes. Man that'd be cool. -
Monday Oct 31, 2005
I think I need change in everything in my life. The only thing I rea… -
Thursday Oct 27, 2005
Eh. I'm totally at a loss for anything in my life. I miss Ann but I… -
Wednesday Oct 19, 2005
I just don't know what to do about anything anymore.
I pretty much grew up all around rednecks and vowed never to become one. They're usually good people and all but nothing I can ever really get into. He also invited me to go to a NASCAR race with him and a couple friends but I don't even know about that. I mean really, cars driving in circles? I'll have to be utterly tanked to enjoy that. I'm not being too open-minded about it but still, I just don't see it.
Basically I just need to find a new place where I can drink in public and have some alone time. I know I can do that at home too but I just need to be able to observe people and stuff. I'm just crazy like that.