I don't know what to do. Seven months later I'm still in shock that someone can do the things that she does. Yet I'm still here.
Everyone has something. Not in a material sense but more like a purpose. Some people devote their life to God, some to their family. Education. Job. Money. Acquiring goods. Hobbies. Cars. Knowledge. An Alma Mater. A sports team. Getting laid. Actually come to think of it I guess this sums it all up...

"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose...
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Waiting on the cable guy. I just bought a new tv and I love it except for two things 1) It's way too bright. I'll never be able to watch tv in the dark again. 2) It seems as though it was dropped when it was shipped (box was slightly damaged). All it did was just bow the right edge of the screen.

The brightness...
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Ignorance truly is bliss. Sometimes I wish I were simple-minded.

Could someone just take maybe 15 or 20 IQ points away from me?
I have no idea what to do, with my life or anything. All I know is that the job is good and pretty much is the only thing keeping me from just picking up and moving.

I broke up with Ann last week. I just can't deal with the fact that she will not stop talking to and seeing her ex. It's not so much...
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I went a bought a steamer yesterday and spent half of the day cleaning my carpet. I think I've reached a point of maturity. I mean I've been spending all my money on stuff for the house. I guess the next thing on my list is a real sofa. The futon I have isn't cutting it anymore. Not sure if I want to do the...
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God this job is boring. I pretty much did all I had to do in the first hour. Way to blow my load. It's not even nice out to where I can sit outside and just have some coffee. At least it's Friday.

Is this all there is to life? I always got by saying to myself, "Things will be different when I get out of the army." Well I'm out, and they are different.

I have a good steady job, standard 40hr week 9-5. Pay is great and it has virtually taken away all of my financial concerns. I'm pretty much able to buy anything I want...
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First day of work

Things weren't bad. I gotta work a full 8hrs a day, which sucks. Not something I'm used to. The work doesn't seem difficult at all. Basically I just sit check the calendar and see if anyone needs any A/V support in the the conference rooms. If they do, provide it. No one is there to manage me, which is cool as...
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I got a job today. Gonna be working at the patent and trade office. It seems like it's really really laid back, which is something I greatly welcome.

I had an interview for a job at the whitehouse last week. Everything there seemed like it was going to be too stressful and the workload would be nonstop.

For pretty much the same money and slightly...
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Stupid Army. I'm not totally out yet. I still have to get a physical which I can't get until 19 july. The problem is I was supposed to have it last week. So now I may lose 3 months pay.

On the good side of things I had an interview the other day. It seems like it went well. There's two positions and three people...
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