I haven't slept for about 36 hours...I suck. But I did go skinny dipping at the beach for the FIRST TIME EVER at 2 am last night! It was worth the lack of sleep.
Which beach? wink
lol yeah i didnt end up doin much.. it rained way 2 much here. but went 2 port stanley last nite. that was funbiggrin biggrin
Taste of Chaos was last night...it was good..not great. I felt like I was in a grade nine classroom because of all the 13 and 14 year olds. Thursday didn't even make it (which I was really looking forward to) and Thrice played a lot of mellow songs. whatever But on a happier note, Atreyu and As I Lay Dying were AMAZING. love
i wish all concerts would play 2 shows, and all ages and 21+. i feel bad when i mosh with high school freshmen
So I moved to London recently...you totally have to give me a heads up on any good rck clubs!
The following is one of my closest friend's journal entry. This put me completely at awe. It is complete true...and it's too bad. Oh....and this girl is only seventeen years old!

"Sometimes I wonder why I am putting all of this effort into life. Im having huge conflicts with society nowadays. I dont want to spend 50 years of my life working so that I...
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i'm really glad i stumbled upon this journal entry.

at least i know i'm not alone in life.
sounds like you make good choices with friends biggrin

Ladeda! I want to move away...far away. Not to ecaspe anything but just to travel and to see more of this huge world! If want to be an architect or interior designer then I am going to have to move to a big city sometime...sooner rather than later preferable.
Alright...so that brings me to the next thing. I got into the programs that I applied...
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My grandmother died at 2:31 pm on Friday afternoon. I seen her for the last time on Thursday afternoon. She died from smoking her whole life..eventally leading to lung cancer. I've had two people close to me now die of this from smoking. The shock of it still hasn't hit me yet, but it scares me. For anyone that does smoke...QUIT. That could be you...
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Girls on here are so beautiful!
i completely agree. oh and i met a girl here is washington who happens to know all the SGs in the area. she said she would introduce me but i told her no. man i am retarded
I went out dancing last night again...only this time it wasnt busy. Practically nobody was dancing...except for me of course! I'm pretty sure I made an ass of myself but whatever...I had fun and thats what counts right?

I hate the winter...I thought spring was just about here...then to my surprise I wake up to a blizzard like storm and freezing cold yet again. I...
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move to santa cruz...probably the most wonderful place i have ever been. and isn't there a song about people who don't wanna dance....how they are no friend of mine? seems to be true today as it was in the 80's
I went out dancing last night with the ladies. Goodtimes for sure. Liquid cocaine shots definately do not mix well with dancing. puke
I have a job interview for a position as a financial advisor with Clarica. Thats a joke...me a financial advisor?? HAHAHA...whatever I hope I get it anyways, maybe it will teach me a few things biggrin
Anyone going to see Children of the Bodom...
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yeah it probably is problematic. but i am just going with the flow and not getting overly involved yet. i figure things have gone well in the rest of my life going with the flow, so why go back on a good thing. and good luck with that job.
trent was in the hospitol in toronto for who knows what.. (lack of hair). he may not make it to the london show and it could be postponed (axl rose style). if thats the case then ill be going at the reset date since ill be living in london again around that time smile
I got my side tat finished on thursday. It definately was more painful than any of the others but it was worth it. I cannot believe it is already almost march; however, I can't say I'm sorry, I hate winter. I'm excited to decorate my deck with lights, flowers, and a sweet bar table.

I bought a new labtop and I'm still so very excited....
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happy birthday gorgeous!

have a great day!

love kiss

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! and remember to drink with the captain ARRR!!!
I had four days off this past weekend because it was my boyfriend's birthday and my friends birthday. We were suppose to go up to Mont. Saint Anne to snowboard for that time; however, my boyfriend ended up have to work part of the time so we couldn't. Regardless, it was so nice not to have to get up at 5:30 am for 4 days...
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I wish i could go snowboarding. This year is supppose to be one of the best in awhile around here. ::sigh:: ARRR!!!