nobody read this anyways
lol Hmm... What make me wanna be your friend... Let's see... We like some of the same bands and movies. We both like wrestling, make-up, fashion... We just have stuff in common. You seem like a cool dude. : )
I have a few favorites, but The Rock is my #1!! : ) What girl doesn't love him?! I also like Edge and the Hardy Boys, but they're not really around anymore... I thought Jeff Hardy was the camp on TNA Impact, but he's not on the show now... What happened?
today is an altering day in music day. its not the release of a classic album, or the birth of the moonwalk. on this day in 1967 Kurt Cobain was born into this world. instead of remembering the reprecautions of his death, i choose to celebrate his life, and the things he accomplished in it. whether you wanted to or not Kurt, you opened a...
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so i have yet another journal website. i probably will never ever update this one either. ill do my best though, because i LOVE this site. it had to be my purchase of the week. my life is on pause right now while i work long shifts in a factory with no social life so i can save money and move back to london. so...
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