RaY!! first journal entry, took me ages to figure out that i had to go to preferences to write an entry.duh! I have jack shit to say really, unless you want to hear about my 4 day video fest?! Thought not. Although i was introduced to fellow SG member archangelneo84 last week by chubbles
at the krazy house, which was all good, if you like warm bottled frothy piss a.k.a heineken, but can hardly complain - was only 50p a bottle.
heehee, i bought towels today for my new flat, so cute - they're blue with fluffy chiclet/duckies (lol-some new crossbreed) along the bottom.
I was revising over some lecture notes today and found a case that titled: Tyrer v UK, which I really don't remember being discussed. I found it amusing none the less, anyhow, in the case a man from the Isle of White took his case all the way to the European courts, his case being that he was subjected to a punishment known as birching (beaten by birch branches - lmao, wtf!) he argued that it was a degrading form of punishment, the courts agreed with him. This is the really bizarre part, well accept for the 'birching', instead of banning or passing legislation on this situation they banned people from the Isle of White from having their cases heard in the European courts.
Yes, I am a humongous geek, i love reading this kind of shit. Anyway - if anyone can confirm that, you'd make me a happy girl, i'm too lazy to look it up on westlaw.com.

heehee, i bought towels today for my new flat, so cute - they're blue with fluffy chiclet/duckies (lol-some new crossbreed) along the bottom.
I was revising over some lecture notes today and found a case that titled: Tyrer v UK, which I really don't remember being discussed. I found it amusing none the less, anyhow, in the case a man from the Isle of White took his case all the way to the European courts, his case being that he was subjected to a punishment known as birching (beaten by birch branches - lmao, wtf!) he argued that it was a degrading form of punishment, the courts agreed with him. This is the really bizarre part, well accept for the 'birching', instead of banning or passing legislation on this situation they banned people from the Isle of White from having their cases heard in the European courts.
Yes, I am a humongous geek, i love reading this kind of shit. Anyway - if anyone can confirm that, you'd make me a happy girl, i'm too lazy to look it up on westlaw.com.
ps.. i added you as a friend..