am i the only one going broke on itunes??ive got to slow down.American idol put me in a creative mood,so i recorded five new acoustic tracks on my 8track.if you are interested drop me a line and trade me a mix cd or something.10-4.ur pal sean
hey heres a thought.....if you have no idea what to buy me for xmas a gift certificate would be great.A purple down vest i cant wait to try that one on.No worky until monday this is some sweet action.Wow millie likes Tsunami bomb too!
Christmas at moms',I cant wait.im already practicing my "boy this Wal-mart sweat shirt is great"look.Well at least i can stuff myself full o turkey
plaster actually broke up after 9 years, i can still send you a cd if you want , but i play in another band with the same drummer called "shots fired" it kinda sounds like a mix of rancid and 7 seconds anyway hope you had a good x_mas , nice to meet ya
i tried that look on christmas day when i was surprised to find a 2nd hand phone charger, i choked, any tips you can give me for the future would be great smile
ive returned from ky.Only worked a half day today,maybe i can knock out some xmas shopping.I sure wish the TrusTcompany cd would stop being pushed back.I cant hold out much longer.
sounds good I'm going to be working with black and green soon anyway so I'll get right on it! smile
there are so many reasons that i want to stay at the store where i am... i'd love to manage THERE. i just keep telling myself "move forward. move forward" which sometimes *does* mean taking a step backwards.
they ARE nice watches, huh? wink
im in paducah ky working today.just got the new mxpx off of itunes good stuff.listening to hurt by nine inch nails.when will trent put out some new stuff,what a waste
i have a Movado watch. its the only watch i own. and the only bling i have.
who do i think i am? JLo or something?
Hey how far are you from Springfield, MO?
im starting to think that getting up at 4am to go to work is getting real old.cant find my dog anywhere hope hes okay
so ronald regan died yesterday.does it seem like the world is just a little brighter today?Lets all remember a man who divided america by social class.good riddance