Lots of stories from today's blogging.la yard sale, including creepy early bird yard sale guys that I had to yell at and explain to them that they weren't doing me any favors by unpacking my boxes for me 30 minutes before we were even supposed to start, and kids being drawn by the threes to weird Japanese sexy auction figure / model thingies.
But the best story of all, was from end of the day. Jay put out 6 boxes of books he was trying to sell. Some he no longer wanted, and some he was kind of on the fence about. At the end of the day, the ones that weren't sold were put into two categories - those to be dropped off at a used book store for someone else to worry about, and those that "passed the test" and would be going back to his house with him. These were ones that had been in the "on the fence" category before and had the opportunity to trade they up (for cash) come along Jay would have sold them, but since it didn't he'd go ahead and keep them around a while longer. Upon hearing this break out Spencer noted that "Jay's policy on his books is the same as most women's policies on their boyfriends."
Oh. Fucking. Snap.
Truer words were never spoken.

But the best story of all, was from end of the day. Jay put out 6 boxes of books he was trying to sell. Some he no longer wanted, and some he was kind of on the fence about. At the end of the day, the ones that weren't sold were put into two categories - those to be dropped off at a used book store for someone else to worry about, and those that "passed the test" and would be going back to his house with him. These were ones that had been in the "on the fence" category before and had the opportunity to trade they up (for cash) come along Jay would have sold them, but since it didn't he'd go ahead and keep them around a while longer. Upon hearing this break out Spencer noted that "Jay's policy on his books is the same as most women's policies on their boyfriends."
Oh. Fucking. Snap.
Truer words were never spoken.

You're free to show me a photo of you looking convincingly happy.
It's funny to hear that people were talking about TechChick.