Okay, so I think I might be fired from my job. But I really don't care and I am actually really happy about it. Am I fucked up!? People would kill to have the job I have, but I am forced to do work that is not my job that they never gave me training for and on top of that I am threatened by...
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I'll go on vacation with you, SRMuffin - as a friend! I'll even help you find girls. ooo aaa
OMG! Summer '09 International Muffin Meetup: Muffins from around the world gather for an Epic Teaparty!
Some people really fucking suck...and not the good kind of sucking either... wink

So, a woman friend of mine has had a really tough time finding a job and so I end up getting her one, a really nice job at that. All she has to do is call me and then go fill out the paperwork. It's been 2 days and she hasn't even called...
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Sorry, but kind of a jerk move.
My god in this current environment people shoudl be thankful. Or if htey don't want that job then dont' ask you to put your neck on the line.
Welcome back, Scoty Rock Muffin! biggrin
Everyone except Fatality & John missed New Years and the 25 person Hummer limo and jaunt to Mardi Gras in Springfield...where I got lost in the girls dressing room and shower... biggrin
That sounds awesome!
okay...I'm looking for a fun gig for New Years Eve...

Any suggestions...or plans?? Hitting another state is very possible...

I'm thinking Swing 46 in NYC...or The Derby in LA...

Maybe Circus in Montreal!? tongue

Any takers...?
I am still unsure of NYE - but will say swing 46 is a good time!
I am BACK!


& ready to ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

That is goodtongue
WELCOME HOME! You're welcome to stay here whenever you need to. And thanks for the nice words. kiss

Everyone is now my Muffin...

How do my Muffins like to be eaten!?(Please describe in great detail)
Aw, thanks, I'm fine (gay okay), they just roughed me up a little. 2 females this time. The last time it was 3 guys and a gun. Yeah, the cops recommended a tazer or one of those devices that makes a horrendous noise when you pull on it. Sure, if you could bring me a tazer and show me how to use it, that would be great. Of course, I couldn't keep it in my bag or they could take it out and use it on me. It would have to always be in my hand, ready to point and shoot at any bad muffin that bounces along.
Hey! Do you still check this thing? How are you?
I think I had a damn good Halloween, cause I started on Saturday night and just came to this morning. I did wake up at home fully clothed, so it wasn't a fucking awesome Halloween like the one where I woke up half naked in another state... wink
MUFFIN!!! That's gay AWESOME!
Of course, your muffin has special needs, since typically, a muffin is a yonic device. wink
'Sex, Drugs & Rock-N-Roll
Is What's Tattooed on my Soul
Techno, Punk, Rap & Thrash
Hot Tattooed Girls That'll Kick Your Ass'

'Tattooed Bitches'
Slowly Aging Delinquents
I've been watching Californication on Showtime, what a great show. It's funny as hell. But, in the most recent episode the girl that plays a secretary in the show had a big SG tattoo on her left arm. Just thought it was cool...Not sure if she was a SG or not.
Okay, I just got some shitty ass news. My best friend Jas isn't going to be able to come to the Buckcherry, Hinder and Papa Roach concert with me next Tuesday in Boston. It fucking blows!

So, I have like 2nd or 3rd row VIP tickets for the concert and if my buddy Dennis is still the road manager for Papa Roach we'll get to...
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