Sorry I have not posted.

Life has been crazy busy.

But still not at work.

I need to get off my ass and talk to my boss about going part time again.

I feel guilty sitting there playing with Photoshop for 3-4 hours a day. C'est la vie.
Welcome Back!
I got thru the Holidays and the anniversary of my mom's death fairly well. I also started at my job fulltime, I was part time before, so that is going well.

I am home today with a pinched nerve or something. I am afraid to go to the chiropractor and have to be dependent on his care for weeks. So I made an appt with...
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First off I am not Christian. With a vengence NOT Christian. Not to mention 8 years ago, my mother was dying of cancer during the holidays. So I think I have very valid reasons for not liking the "Chistmas Season". New Year's I can hang with, just not all the overt commercialism of this "special time of year." BAH HUMBUG! mad

I've put in a help request to have you take over Motherless Daughters kiss
Thank you for volunteering smile
Things are crazy

I hate the holdays

I hate the weather here in KC.

But I love my husband.

Enough said.
So when J and I were seperated due to distance, there was someone I fell in lust with. And he me. We carried on a steamy phone and email relationship and all it ever amounted to was one day of heavy making out before I left town to return to KC. We've maintained a great friendship even though two years later we are both married...
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So I've reconnected with a guy I slept with over 5 years ago. I'm not exactly sure he recalls who I am other then I am a friend of a friend. I sent him a picture, and he replied, but I am fairly convinced he's jsut being nice to "some strange girl". So do I continue talking to him or do I let him fade...
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you know...honestly, sometimes we do remember girls from that far back...It may take us a little time and a swift kick to the head, but we eventually remember. Like the last girl I "dated" we had gone on one date two years ago and then for some reason stopped talking. Then all of the sudden we find each other on line and start talking. We had no idea who each other were at the time, but then all of the sudden we started talking about this one date that we both went on and then it just clicked...and now we are still really good friends.
It's been a bit since I've posted. Like anyone reads my rambling crap anyway. I stayed home from work today, wasn't feel well in the shower and still have an upset stomach. I am determined to still go to Ines' tonight though. I wanna work on geeky stuff with her.

Work is overall good.

Married life is great.
Its been a few days since I've written.

Nothing to say except I'll be glad to see my friends in Omaha this weekend.
Off to the Farmer's Market this morning. Time for some fresh fruits and vegetables to add to my diet. I've effectivly lost 10 pounds in a month just due to eating less and having a lower caloric intake. Now I need to work on the exersize. Ugh....

Work was good this week. I'm finally beginning to feel useful, even if it is just data entry....
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