There are a few small pleasures in life that still come as a surprise. Last night I had one of them.
Spent a good portion of yesterday just hanging out and talking with a great friend. That was a evry welcome change from how I have spent much of my free time the last week or so trust me.
Came home and got a call from another old friend and his lovely girlfriend to come out and have a few pints. Headed down to Four Green Fields and proceeded to do just that. The pleasant surprise was when his lovely better half began asking me about shooting her. I've always wanted to work with her and we've actually discussed it once or twice before. As I recall she developed a case of being self conscious the last time which she seems to have gotten over, in spades. Jennifer is a very smoky, dusky kind of beauty. She reminds me of one of the SG's here, Maxi. The details we sketched out last night for shooting her will be absolutely deliscious if it comes to fruition this time. We planned on getting together in a couple of weeks to just hang out and shoot. Should be great fun!
Spent a good portion of yesterday just hanging out and talking with a great friend. That was a evry welcome change from how I have spent much of my free time the last week or so trust me.
Came home and got a call from another old friend and his lovely girlfriend to come out and have a few pints. Headed down to Four Green Fields and proceeded to do just that. The pleasant surprise was when his lovely better half began asking me about shooting her. I've always wanted to work with her and we've actually discussed it once or twice before. As I recall she developed a case of being self conscious the last time which she seems to have gotten over, in spades. Jennifer is a very smoky, dusky kind of beauty. She reminds me of one of the SG's here, Maxi. The details we sketched out last night for shooting her will be absolutely deliscious if it comes to fruition this time. We planned on getting together in a couple of weeks to just hang out and shoot. Should be great fun!
house finalized + closed. still cleaning + painting. i think i mentioned the cat smell.. the woman who owned it had 20 various animals (through cleaning i've found evidence of cats, dogs and birds.. primarily cats).. and it smells of cat piss still, though it's been muted. We're going through to cover the walls next weekend.
The shoot was one I'd mentioned a few months back.. eeeeh... kinda pissed w/ myself because it feels like I fucked up a good opportunity, but in some ways.. "Eh." Lots of dim colored lights... I don't shoot w/ flash for a few different reasons I'm sure you can guess... plus tiny stage that wasn't elevated (well, about a foot max from the foor, not much there.. so they couldn't move much and I was kneeling/layign on the foor for decent angles). That plus the first night was an "industry event", aka "music industry".. which sounds fun until you realize in Tampa, that means a bunch of self-important radio people .. they were too busy talking to each other + drinking free booze to pay attention to the show, so the band wasn't exactly "on".
eh. i'll send an email w/ the links. they're alright, just not great. and if they'd been great, it coulda been "A Good Thing [tm]" in many ways.
oh well