I'm so proud of myself. Yesterday I was feeling really down. But! I did stuff around the house, got out and voted and had lunch, then made myself go to Kung Fu (which was a hard class physically, but so good for me). At the end, I felt so proud and glad that I had done this, it really energized me, which never happens after...
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Starting to feel better. Heck, good enough that emptying the dishwasher doesn't make me want to cry and exhaust me. So that's good. Bonus round, I'm going to take a shower and go out for lunch. Let's see what that does to me. And if that doesn't do me in, extra bonus round...Laundry!
Much love and hugs to you. Virus free, I promise! Mwah!
I'm sick? I can't tell. I feel drained and exhausted and foggy and sinuses hurt. Been this way for over a week now, so I'm going for sick. I just napped for 4 hours, ate some food, now I'm ready for more sleep.
It snowed yesterday, first, and probably only, time this year. Only about an inch, maybe 1.5 inches. We lost power for a few hours, but since we were in bed, it didn't really matter. It's been so warm that the snow and slush didn't build up on the roads and the ground was too warm for it to freeze. So we have beautiful snow on...
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I know it's a day late, but...HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
I hope you all had a great day. We were going to go to a hockey game, but neither of us were up for it so we just went to a quick dinner and picked up dessert to take home and watch the game at home. It was still a great night, we talked lots and...
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Hooray! Going to see the eye doctor today. Again. Another waste of my and Karen's time as they tell me everything looks fine when I am still having problems. At least it's now down to just a film covering my eyes sometimes. Maybe they can do a little more laser work and take care of it.
Hope you all have a lovely day today! MWAH!
Ugh, I just do not know what's wrong with me lately. I'm an emotional mess. I'm exhausted all the time. It's almost painful, physically, to push forward and get things done around the house. I haven't been calling on any friends to touch base because I don't want to risk rejection. Realistically, there won't be any, but that's not what my brain is saying. I'm...
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My brain is tormenting me. Horrible dreams last night. No good sleep for a few days. Whenever Karen leaves town, I don't sleep well. So now my brain has taken this moment to collapse and start on it's dark rant about how life sucks. Sigh. Life doesn't suck, silly. Just stop being a jerk for a moment and get a grip on yourself! Moving on......
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Karen's in NYC with Beth to see the groundhog known as Staten Island Chuck for Groundhog Day. I'm looking forward to hearing all the tales of craziness on Monday. In other news, Kung Fu kicked my butt and now I'm rather sore.
Not sure if it's just allergies or I'm sick. When I move I am dizzy. Even if I move my head from side to side...dizzy. Not having a fun time. :-( This has been going on since Friday. Strange dreams, like the type you get in fever dreams. I hope you are having a great day!