Recovering from a massive migraine that took me down all day. I feel hung over now, but getting better.
Fingertip is a bit numb and tingly, hurts to move this finger. There was a serious bloodletting. Am I the sacrifice for some previously unknown conure cult, and my blood is to be let one slice at a time?
It was a great weekend. Got to spend time with several friends, went out to dinner with them, hung out. Ate lots of dessert. Karen made a cheesecake for my birthday cake!! I love her cheesecake! Sunday we are just hanging out, doing some small projects and relaxing. A great end to the birthday weekend.
I hope your weekend was fabulous. Filled with sun, fun...
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Happy Birthday to me! I was born in 1966 in the hospital of Fort Ord (a naval base in California that is no longer in existence). 52 years. Seems like a long time, but it really does not seem that long ago. Time is funny that way.
I opened up the presents from my Mother and Father. It is a Sous Vide cooking system. My...
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Well, I'm on the road to recovery from that head cold I had. I'm almost over it, though am still sometimes dizzy and exhausted. I think the allergies that I have from all the pollen are making it worse and prolonged. Ugh, nature, why do I have to be so allergic to you?!?
Tomorrow is my birthday. Nothing special, hoping to just have a quiet...
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Hello my lovely friends. I'm back. We just got home last night, and while it was a lovely cruise, it is always so nice to get back home and sleep in your own bed. Our pillows missed us. Unfortunately, on our last day at sea I developed a headcold and had to travel feeling not so well. Still have the headcold. But nothing is going...
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Well, we head off tomorrow morning bright and early on a long cruise adventure. Won't be up here until we get back. Much love to you all until then. Go have some fun. **mwah**
Well, I got some sleep, still only 4 hours worth, but it was better than it has been. Feel a bit better today, less wobbly, though typing is still, apparently, difficult. We are heading out on a 10 day cruise for some rest (hopefully), relaxation and fun. We will be hitting St. Thomas, St Croix, Martinique, St. Kitts and St. Maarten (French side this time)....
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