Sorry I haven't been up here for a while. A combination of issues. Mental health...but that's doing better. The frustration with the election upcoming and the pandemic continuing. Some physical health stuff, but that is doing better. A lack of energy. But most important is the new pair of glasses I have makes it almost impossible to read anything on the computer now. So until I get that taken care of I just cannot be up here as it takes an inordinate amount of time and concentration to see and read, let alone type, anything.
Sigh. It's always something. Meanwhile, know I miss you all and being up here. Take solace in the fact that I am playing the heck out of a game on my iPad called Shop Titans (it's also on Steam for the computer) since I can see that easily. It's really a good game. So if you are playing, let me know. Karen and I created the guild called Guild the Lily and I am Morgan and she is K Rex.
Anyway, my eyes are going crossed so I will just say stay safe and stay well. Much love and hugs to you all. MWAH!