Hello all. What are you up to these days? Anything fun, silly, different? Or the same things?
Me, basically the same things. A little laundry, a bit of cleaning, some games, reading, napping, a few errands out. It seems that masks are the new fashion statement. Have you gotten any that you really like? So far I just have a grey mask with no pattern, but I have on order two Japanese prints, one with flowers and one with the Great Wave Off Kanagawa. I'm excited for these to show up since they are a bit more fun.
Kung Fu last night was brutal. We started with 10 pushups then jump up and 10 punches. It got worse from there. Some time during this a pain started behind my left eye and it closed right up. I continued on but that pain was, well, painful. It didn't let up until the end when we were stretching..
We had a small earthquake on Sunday. This is extremely rare here in North Carolina, and although we are on a fault line, it's a very stable fault line. We've had 2 in the last 8 years, and while there has been no damage, it is strange and makes us wonder if something is happening with the plate or what.
Started re-watching Eureka. I'd forgotten how much I love the kookieness of the show and how well written it is. I'm still sorting LEGOs from the huge batch I got, but am almost to the end where I can see what I have left to order.
M'okay, I have nothing much else. Love and hugs to you all. Keep taking care and being good to yourself and others. **MWAH**