So I finally got most of my accounts back under my control and have requested a few little used ones be deleted. What a pain. I need to come up with a new password schema to get ready when someone cracks these passwords.
Last night we went to kung fu and it was more pleasant. Our Sifu likes the gym super hot and actually turns on the heat (in Summer!) to get us in better shape to handle a fight scenario where things tend to be hotter. But for me it is just torture. I do not do well in heat and am usually, throughout the class, feeling dizzy, have tunnel vision, sweat never dissipates, and sometimes my vision grays out. But he is on vacation and his second is teaching classes, so he runs the air conditioner! The difference was immediately clear. I had more energy, I was able to concentrate longer and maintain a better form. His second noticed this too and was complimenting me on my form and how well I was doing. Usually I feel so dead halfway through the class I am just fighting to maintain any progress, but this time I was so energized. I wish we could convince Sifu that he would get more out of us if he ran the air.
Well, I am on to the next model. It's a new and different configuration for the Eagle model, more pieces. Here is a look at my progress and how it looks partially assembled.
And what is left to do in the box.
So many little pieces. Not much going on today, as usual. I hope you are all doing well and having a lovely day. Much love and many hugs to you. **MWAH**